Search Result: shift


A view to the future of investment operations

Blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotics, automated data entry and data mining are some of the big technological trends set to radically disrupt the way the back-office teams of superannuation funds and their service providers do their jobs in the not-too-distant future. The onslaught of change confronting investment operations teams is not limited to technology, though. The shift in assets to the deaccumulation phase, mergers, growth in funds under management and unrelenting regulatory changes are forcing industry players to make serious decisions about what to prioritise. Investment operations refers to all the cogs of the financial services machinery, and covers areas such as the implementation of investment transactions, performance reporting, analytics, fund […]


Jost: Pace of reform is too slow

Australia must disrupt its banking regulations or face waking up one day to find a FinTech innovator such as Chinese giant Alibaba becoming the bedrock of our financial system, rather than the Big Four banks. So says Jost Stollmann, a German expat with decades of experience in technology entrepreneurship, government and FinTech innovation. “One day we might not be talking about the Big Four but AT&T Financial Services and Alibaba owning banking services in Australia,” says Mr Stollmann. Mr Stollmann sees Australia at a tipping point, not only with FinTech regulation but also with its overall innovation thrust. In a strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threat analysis, Australia has great lifestyle […]


The federal government wants to buy $900 million of tech from Australian startups

The federal assistant minister for digital transformation has declared he is targeting a spend of $900 million each year on entrepreneurial tech suppliers, to move away from traditional providers like IBM. “The government can support innovative companies without resorting to handouts. If we want to transform the entrepreneurial or digital government sector in Australia, the most important thing we can do is be a better customer,” assistant minister Angus Taylor told media in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. Technology work in the public sector, worth $9 billion a year, is traditionally dominated by big consulting firms or large companies such as IBM, as in the case of the census, […]


Mobile technology is revolutionising the way SMEs get paid

We all know cash is fast becoming a thing of the past, and as the world becomes increasingly ‘digital’, it’s not surprising that people are buying goods and services a lot more through mobile devices. It’s therefore no surprise that mobile technology has driven advancements in the payments industry, making it easier for consumers to make purchases on-the-spot. This has created opportunities for retailers like never before — for example there are digital apps that allow customers to order and pay for their morning coffee while still on the commute to work. So you would think it would be safe to assume there would be a growing trend in the […]


Westpac buys stake in Lantern Pay to help deliver NDIS

Customers of the federal government’s $22 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme will be able to pay for health services through a new platform to be rolled out by Westpac Banking Corp, which has taken a 10 per cent equity stake in payments firm InLoop. InLoop is the parent company of Lantern Pay, which has created a “digital wallet”, or mobile application, that lets customers of government-backed medical services schemes monitor budgets. Lantern Pay pays service providers up front before claiming the payments back from the government. The deal is an example of the policy shift towards “consumer-directed care” in government medical schemes including the NDIS, which puts customers in control […]


Bitcoin worth more than gold as price reaches all-time high

The crypto currency known for its anonymity and decentralised nature reached an all-time high on Friday afternoon, making it more valuable than gold in Australia. Bitcoin was trading above $1634 on, as gold hovered around $1620 an ounce. The currency has been surprisingly steady this year, remaining above the arbitrary $US1000 mark ($1297) for its longest ever stretch, according to researcher CoinDesk. Industry heads point to the nearing deadline of a decision by Securities Exchange Commission in the US to introduce the first of three bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF). “There is a lot of excitement that the Winklevoss twins’ ETF is coming close to approval,” says Asher Tan, CEO […]


Fintech set to reshape financial services despite slump

Global fintech investment’s boom year of 2015, when all the planets aligned and the hype factor reached its peak, was always going to make activity levels in subsequent years look feeble by comparison. Even so, the 47 per cent slump in funds invested in 2016 to $24.7bn, revealed yesterday in KPMG’s Pulse of Fintech publication, is eye-opening. Both macro and micro forces are at play. With the former, the uncertainty created by the Brexit vote, the schism between new US president Donald Trump and the tech community, a perceived economic slowdown in China and significant fluctuations in exchange rates all conspired to make investors more cautious. At a more micro […]


Fintech platforms disrupting business finance

The term ‘fintech’ covers a wide and ever-growing range of technologies. This article explores some of the biggest game-changers, and how they’re impacting the way businesses are managing their financial affairs. Treasurer Scott Morrison said of fintech in 2016: “It has the power to completely bring in a new environment of competition. For small businesses out there who find it difficult to attract capital, for large government agencies who are struggling with convoluted and difficult payment systems … to medium-sized businesses that are trying to bring their products up to date and to connect with their consumers in ways they haven’t before.” Then on his visit to a G20 Conference […]