Funding launches new Build A Bridge brand television campaign nationally are launching their new “Build a Bridge” national brand campaign on television, video on demand, print, digital and online channels.
Wisr delivers in excess of $21 million in revenue, up 75%
Wisr has provided the Quarterly Activities Report for the quarter ending 30 September 2022 (Q1FY23), with revenue exceeding $21 million.
Lender finder CashPal records 10x growth in two years
Just as the last quarter of 2022 is ramping up, CashPal has recorded a groundbreaking 10x growth compared to its position in 2020.
MONEYME executes profitability strategy, on track for $200m revenue in FY23
MONEYME is on track to deliver on its promise to shareholders to return to statutory profitability and achieve greater than $200 million in Net Revenue for FY23.
3 in 5 mortgage holders are under financial stress due to rising interest rates
New research by comparison website Mozo has found that more 3 in 5 mortgage holders are under financial stress due to rising interest rates.
‘Lazy loans’ and ‘mortgage prisons’ placing thousands of Aussies in mortgage lock up
Lendi data reveals half a billion in ‘lazy loans’ are left untouched by their owners over the past five years. achieves record growth with Brokers
Gold Coast based non-bank bridging fintech,, has achieved a record in the number of new brokers accredited and loan book growth.
Biometric technologies championing a risk-free future for banks and mortgage lenders – COBA 2022
The new wave of digital verification software, built on biometric technologies promises to mitigate risks for banks and mortgage lenders.