Peer-to-peer lenders lead increase in personal loans
Personal loan applications rose strongly during the December 2016 quarter, with much of the growth coming from online marketplace lenders. The latest Quarterly Consumer Credit Demand Index from credit agency Veda shows the number of personal loan applications for the December 2016 quarter was 12.4 per cent higher than the December 2015 quarter. “Growth in personal loan applications is predominantly coming from products offered by new entrants in the personal lending space, beyond traditional credit card and auto finance markets,” says Angus Luffman, Veda’s general manager of consumer risk. He is referring to the new wave of online marketplaces that can offer investors higher rates of interest than they can […]
IBM, Optus and Australia Post join blockchain group
IBM, Optus and Australia Post have joined the Australian Digital Currency Commerce Association (ADCCA).
Scott Morrison to tell global finance leaders Australia backs fintech
The federal government wants to see the fintech sector “grow big, to thrive and deliver benefits for consumers and the economy”, Treasurer Scott Morrison will tell global central bank governors and finance ministers on Wednesday. In a speech to a high-level G20 conference in Wiesbaden, Germany, Mr Morrison will say fintech can boost banking competition and facilitate access to new forms of finance. He will also tell leaders of the global economy that Australia is “strongly pursuing” blockchain technology, and wants to unlock the “enormous untapped potential of Australia’s data”. After the Productivity Commission in November called for consumers to receive a “comprehensive right” to their data, which would allow […]
Scott Morrison’s UK fintech mission
Treasurer Scott Morrison will receive firsthand briefings on Britain’s pioneering move to open up access to bank data ahead of what is likely to be a similar shake-up here. Mr Morrison is visiting London and will meet with fintech entrepreneurs, academics and regulators to learn more about how start-ups are disrupting established financial services players like banks. “The UK has recently introduced changes for major banks to provide customers with greater access to data held about them, and requiring data to be made available to third parties through an API [application programming interface],” Mr Morrison said. “Developments in the UK can supplement the outcomes of an inquiry into data availability […]
Here’s how banks can save big with blockchain
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, investment banks faced rising regulatory burdens, rising compliance costs, and a consequent shrinking of innovation budgets. However, in Q4 these banks reported large profits, suggesting that they are finally on the path to recovery; we have also seen major players renew their focus on digital transformation. Now, a new report by consultancy Accenture and benchmarking firm McLagan suggests an area particularly deserving of incumbents’ attention. The study, using data for eight of the world’s largest investment banks, looked into the potential benefits that blockchain adoption might deliver. It found that blockchain could save these banks $8 billion to $12 billion annually and […]
US fintech SoFi targets mortgage lending in Australia
One of the best-funded financial technology companies in the US, SoFi, is preparing to launch in Australia to offer mortgages in direct competition with the banks. In recent days, the San Francisco-based SoFi has used LinkedIn to advertise for a manager of mortgage operations, based in Sydney, along with an operations manager and a marketing manager. The pending opening in Sydney would be SoFi’s first office outside the US, where it has funded more than $US7 billion in student loan refinancing, personal loans and mortgages since it was founded in 2011. Over the past two years, SoFi, which used to be called Social Finance, has raised $1 billion in new […]
Top 5 Fintech and Banking Trends for 2017
FinTech Competition Will Drive Banking Transformation FinTech companies are competing with banks on a number of levels including peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, lending, saving, and investing. Banks should especially be worried about the fact that 33% of millennials don’t believe they’ll need a bank in the next 5 years, and almost 75% of millennials reported that they are more interested in financial offerings from Google and Amazon that from traditional nationwide banks. For banks to continue to compete, they’ll need to make sure they are providing better services and customer experiences than both their bank competitors, but also upstart FinTech companies. Continued Shift From In-Branch to Digital Channels Millennials are […]
How integrating digital can help banks save money, improve sales
By Don Bergal, CMO at Avoka Retail banks are successfully integrating digital into a continuous omnichannel experience for customers across marketing, selling and delivery of their products. With the internet continuing to make inroads into almost every aspect of our daily lives, the need for this integration — and the opportunity it presents — is obvious. Digital Customer Engagement Heavy use of digital for promotional and marketing purposes — through social media, internet search, digital ads, websites and so on — is now commonplace. The service element, i.e. how customers consume financial products, has also been transformed by the rise and popularity of online banking. For instance, most banks now […]