Search Result: change financial

A VC’s perspective on Blockchain opportunities & impacts on Australia

by Victor Jiang, Managing Partner, Sapien Ventures LLP. I was truly honoured to have presented to and judged alongside a distinguished panel (from ANZ, Westpac, UBS, & Northern Trust) and key industry leaders at the inaugural Australian Blockchain Summit 2016 (Melbourne June 28-30th, 2016), and to have a chance to speak about what we felt are the opportunities and impacts of Blockchain on Australia. (The speech was immediately before a pitch/showcase session of 6 excitingly disruptive blockchain startups from USA and Australia, including one dialling in from 3am in their local time!) __________________________________ I’m really excited and honoured to be here, speaking just ahead of some truly exciting startups in the blockchain space. […]


Next Generation Lending – Aug 16-18, 2016 – Sydney, Australia

<![CDATA[  After a successful 2015 event, the Next Generation Lending conference returns this August in Sydney with a stronger focus on emerging trends in the retail sector and the disruptive changes shaping the face of lending. The conference once again brings together leaders and senior managers from the banking and the NBFS sectors for a high level discussion on the latest developments that are driving the market dynamics in retail and commercial lending business models. They will analyse the new opportunities for improved customer experience, digital innovation and non-traditional revenue streams to improve profitability, capture new market share and retain customers. With alternative lending deal volumes on the rise, and […]


Row emerges over digital advice regulations

A row is developing in the financial planning sector with so-called robo-advisers claiming that regulatory measures proposed by the Financial Planning Association would make the provision of digital advice unworkable. In a submission to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which is in the midst of consulting industry on how digital advice should be regulated, the FPA proposed that robo-advisers be required to appoint independent actuaries to monitor the algorithms used in the provision of automated advice. “If ASIC is after visibility of these results, an obligation to provide independent review results should be included in the regulatory guidance,” the FPA said in the submission.Robo-advisers argued that a need for […]


Fintech is going to be much bigger than you think

If payments can be made anywhere, anytime, across any device, why do you need a currency? Or even a bank? The “fintech” revolution is upon us – but what we’ve seen may only be the start of it. Fintech – a term coined with the listing of peer-to-peer lending platform LendingClub on the New York Stock Exchange in late 2014 – is not only a portmanteau of ‘financial technology,” it describes a whole new industry composed of companies that use technology to make financial services more efficient. It’s big, it’s growing and it’s disruptive. “Fintech is set to change finance as profoundly as the issuance of the first permanent banknotes […]


Brexit: Bitcoin surges in wake of Out vote

One of the few winners from Britain’s shock decision to exit the European Union on Friday was the virtual currency bitcoin, which rose more than 7 per cent as investors flocked to what they perceived a safe haven asset. Bitcoin jumped above $US670 after the vote, according to data from CoinDesk, prompting analysts to label it “digital gold” – a reference to gold’s historic status as a haven from financial turmoil. Over the past month, the virtual currency has been buffeted by changing sentiment around the vote, rising more than 70 per cent as the Brexit camp gained momentum before being sold off in recent days when it appeared Britons […]


Fintech to invest $1b into blockchain this year

Financial and technology firms are expected to invest more than $US1 billion to bring blockchain technology to capital markets in 2016. That’s according to a new survey from Greenwich Associates, where a majority of participants said blockchain has the potential to change markets within the next five years. The 134 interviewees, including executives at banks, exchanges, asset managers and blockchain technology companies, said the main obstacle hindering the technology’s widespread use was a “vested interest” in legacy systems. “The financial sector will continue to put its weight behind blockchain this year,” Richard Johnson, vice president for Greenwich’s Market Structure and Technology group, said in the report. “Blockchain is beginning to […]


Ethereum, rival to bitcoin, gains traction

With a rising market value and a roster of high-profile patrons, Ethereum in recent months has become the next hot thing in cryptocurrencies. Ethereum is an open software platform, comprising a currency called ether, a public “blockchain” ledger for keeping track of transactions and tools for building so-called smart contracts that automatically make payments when their terms are fulfilled. Anyone can develop new applications that make use of its code. More ambitiously, the currency’s inventors and users are revolting against the growing centralisation of the internet under big companies like Google and Facebook by creating financial structures that can run themselves. Much like its older cousin bitcoin, however, ether is […]


ASIC to build fintech start-ups a ‘regulatory sandbox’ to test ideas

The corporate regulator will allow fintech start-ups to test their ideas with real customers for a period of six months without having to hold a financial services licence, under a new “regulatory sandbox” proposed by Treasurer Scott Morrison in the May budget. In a consultation paper released on Wednesday morning, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission said the creation of the sandbox will allow financial services start-ups to attract investment and get to market faster by providing “limited testing and concept validation to occur without businesses needing to comply with all the usual regulatory obligations”. The sandbox was proposed by the federal government as part of its plan to create […]