Dart aims for a United States of Fintech
Australian tech entrepreneurs have launched a new digital home for the global fintech community, providing an agnostic platform that founders hope will one day become the seat for an inclusive and encyclopaedic fintech commonwealth. Founder and CEO, Cameron Dart, told AB+F that the International FinTech platform, combines a web portal and directory to meet growing demand from the global community to have a dedicated, online and natively fintech presence for a sector that transcends borders. “We like to think of it as the beginnings of a LinkedIn for fintech,” Dart said. This week’s launch, built on the back of the original Australian FinTech, already encompasses more than 1,000 global fintech companies […]
Australian FinTech launches International FinTech platform
The team behind the highly successful AustralianFinTech.com.au, this week launch their International platform, InternationalFinTech.com, aimed at connecting the FinTech industry on a global scale. Founder and CEO, Cameron Dart, says International FinTech has been born on the back of the highly successful Australian FinTech platform and growing demand from the global community to have a dedicated online presence for their sector. “International FinTech mirrors the Australian FinTech platform, including a dedicated industry newsfeed and a comprehensive directory of FinTech companies globally. “The site also aims to educate users of new financial technologies such as peer to peer lending and cryptocurrency, all presented in simple terms with no financial jargon” says […]
Goodbye to the property middle man?
Our property industry has many “middle men” businesses that help get deals done and make a profit as a result. Sometimes their role is very important and they provide a valuable and efficient service, and sometimes they are little more than a tax on doing property business. These “middle men” businesses are set to be challenged profoundly as Blockchain technologies start to enter the market over the next five to 10 years. A whole lot of hype is taking place around Blockchain at the moment, in particular how the Blockchain technology behind Bitcoin will revolutionise the way we do business, trust each other, and interact without middle men. Blockchain is […]
Blockchain and others will transform financial advice
The potential for distributed ledger and associated technologies has fundamental, long-term ramifications for financial planning businesses. Planners need to be across these innovations now so that when commercial solutions that use these technologies hit the market, their businesses are ready to embrace them. Distributed ledger technology is a way of recording information that makes it easy to verify. Blockchain, which is the system that records how the virtual currency Bitcoin is stored, is one application of this technology. Shortened Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) transaction settlement times will likely be the first real change to the market from Blockchain. Last year, the ASX invested $14.9 million to acquire 5 per cent […]
IBM, Optus and Australia Post join blockchain group
IBM, Optus and Australia Post have joined the Australian Digital Currency Commerce Association (ADCCA).
Here’s how banks can save big with blockchain
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, investment banks faced rising regulatory burdens, rising compliance costs, and a consequent shrinking of innovation budgets. However, in Q4 these banks reported large profits, suggesting that they are finally on the path to recovery; we have also seen major players renew their focus on digital transformation. Now, a new report by consultancy Accenture and benchmarking firm McLagan suggests an area particularly deserving of incumbents’ attention. The study, using data for eight of the world’s largest investment banks, looked into the potential benefits that blockchain adoption might deliver. It found that blockchain could save these banks $8 billion to $12 billion annually and […]
One country dominates the global bitcoin market
Almost all bitcoin trading is done in China. The share of the cryptocurrency that’s traded via China’s mainland currency escalated over the past few years, overtaking the US dollar as the dominant currency. From less than a 10% share in January 2012, the yuan now makes up nearly 100% of all bitcoin trading. Bitcoin surged 120% last year, outperforming every other currency in the world. It kicked off 2017 by rising above $1,000 for the first time since 2013.Those moves were made possible largely because of China. Volumes of bitcoin trading increased as China’s foreign reserves shrank, by about 8% to $3.05 trillion in 2016. Meanwhile, the yuan weakened against […]
Government urged to test blockchain’s potential
Blockchain technology might help prevent a repeat of the Centrelink data-matching disaster, says investment banker turned business professor Christine Helliar. Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but is increasingly viewed as having applications elsewhere in business and government. In simple terms, blockchain is a tamper-proof digital ledger that keeps a continuous record of all transactions that take place. Each transaction is time stamped and stored as part of a detailed history that builds up over time. The information can be shared among a network of computers.Professor Helliar, who works for the University of South Australia, said blockchain could be used to link all tax and welfare payments, reducing the […]