

Insiders say they think ethereum is a better investment than bitcoin

When it comes to cryptocurrency investments, there’s plenty of room for debate over which digital currency is the best bet. But for one group of investors, the choice is clear: According to new data from New York-based law firm Foley and Lardner, a group of insiders say that among cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, Dash, and Monero, they believe ethereum to be the best bet. Foley and Lardner surveyed a mix of investors and business executives about trends relating to cryptocurrencies. Among the questions they asked was which digital currency they believed to be the best investment opportunity. The most popular pick? Ethereum, the three-year-old blockchain technology that’s been largely used as […]


WealthO2 passes half a billion FUA

WealthO2, the fintech for financial advisers, has surpassed half a billion in funds under administration, an increase of more than 60% in six months.


Credit cards on the decline as Visa says we have passed ‘peak plastic’

Australia has reached “peak plastic” and credit card transactions will now start to decline, as people increasingly adopt mobile and wearable payment technologies, according to the new country manager of Visa. In his first interview since becoming the head of Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific at Visa in January, former local head of Citibank’s consumer banking operations Julian Potter told The Australian Financial Review the tipping point for change in consumer payments preferences would come when things like Myki or Opal cards could be stored on your phone in a digital wallet. “I use my phone and it just took a few goes and then the habit set […]


Does your FinTech company feature on the Australian FinTech Directory?

Over the past 3 years, the team here at Australian FinTech have built up the No.1 website for FinTech companies in Australia to be showcased to the world. We do this through the Australian FinTech Directory which can be found on our site here. The Directory features over 550 FinTechs operating here in Australia. It’s a long way from the beginning when the first 60 companies were listed and we thought ‘there might be about 100 in total’…. If you’re company is not featured on the Australian FinTech Directory, please let us know. And if your logo has changed, you have a new CEO, or would like to update your […]


Should The Reserve Bank of Australia Issue a Digital Currency?

During a recent Australian Business Economists forum, the Head of Payments Policy Department for the Reserve Bank of Australia, Tony Richards, had a lot to share on cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology in the Reserve Bank’s perspective. Of particular interest was whether the bank might consider issuing a digital version of the Australian Dollar. According to Richards, Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies were largely impressive and admirable, but flaws in their design coupled with limited usage within Australia made them unnecessary and hence there was no need for the bank to issue a new digital version of the Australian Dollar. The Bank’s Approach To Cryptocurrencies Australia can boast of having […]


Open banking rules fuel financial planning shake-up

The financial planning industry is poised for a shake-up as the government’s plan to make it easier for customers to access banking data drives new technology that will allow advisers to respond in real-time to the changing financial circumstances of their clients. Open banking will also change the financial advice industry by allowing advisers to tailor their offering to individuals. Grow Super, part owned by IOOF, and Basiq, part owned by Westpac Banking Corp and National Australia Bank, have worked together to build the software that provides alerts to advisers about when to call their clients. The product will be white-labelled for advisory groups to enhance the quality of customer […]


AFL’s Ted Richards and the human side of robo-investing

There is a lot of talk about the entry of ‘robo advisers’ into the financial advice market. Revelations by the banking royal commission have accelerated calls for technology to provide the answer to the broadening trust deficit and intractable problem of advice being too expensive for the average investor. However, despite these tailwinds, the take up of digital advice in Australia has been relatively modest. This compares to the United States where a significant proportion of investors are embracing technology-enabled advice solutions, such as Betterment and Wealthfront. Home-grown Australian providers, such as Clover and Stockspot, have made inroads with their low cost, automated investment offerings. The challenge remains for consumers […]


Australia’s plans to embrace cryptocurrencies through progressive laws

When cryptocurrencies were designed, the idea of the government or its financial institutions meddling into the affairs of the digital currency were not envisioned. Indeed, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin were designed to give users the freedom to transact without central regulation. It was probably not anticipated that these currencies would gain so much interest around the world. But since that has happened, the regulatory authorities have found it hard to stay away from the cryptos. Recent news has indicated that governments around the world are keen on easing the tension between the traditional perception institutions have had on cryptocurrencies. Some of the issues that are at the fore currently are how […]