Reserve Bank says Australian dollars could come in digital form in future
Death of the cheque and the rise of Bitcoin? FinTech is certainly gaining momentum in Australia with the RBA hinting at digital dollars, or a form of Bitcoin, in the future is quite a possibility. It is entirely possible that Australian dollars will come in digital form in the future, breaking the link entirely between material notes and coins, the Reserve Bank says. In a speech where he also flagged the end of the cheque, Mr Richards said the RBA had been watching the growth in demand for privately-established virtual currencies like Bitcoin, and believed there was a place for a central-bank-issued digital currency in Australia. It thinks digital […]
VC tells fintech start-ups to target superannuation sector
Australian fintech start-ups are being told to focus their efforts on selling services to the $2 trillion superannuation industry in order to attract venture capital funding. Melbourne-based Trimantium Capital is looking to deploy $700 million during the next 12 months into financial services technology, or “fintech”, ventures and its managing director Phillip Kingston said the super industry was in clear need of better technology automation options to lower administration costs and cut fees. “To date most large funds have either shied away from that challenge or tried to undertake large technology projects in house, which typically hasn’t worked out too well,” Mr Kingston said. An attempt by five of Australia’s […]
Samsung Pay goes with Amex first
The race for digital wallets is heating up in Australia and it’s great to have giants like Apple and Samsung battling it out. This can only mean one thing – great results and products for consumers! Samsung has confirmed it will join the re-boot of the digital wallet race in Australia in 2016, becoming the fourth country to get Samsung Pay after South Korea, the US and China.Like Apple Pay, Samsung will be going with American Express first and add other cards later. American Express payments have been available on Apple Pay since November. Bank issued Visa and MasterCard will initially only work on Android Pay, which is understood to […]
Fintech sector rejects crowdfunding bill
The fintech sector has taken aim at the government’s proposed legislation on equity crowdfunding, with particular ire focused on the requirement for crowdfunders to become unlisted public companies. The government has received 21 submissions on the Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding) Bill 2015 [Provisions], with a number of fintech firms pointing to the bill’s shortcomings. VentureCrowd’s was one of a number of respondents to argue against the requirement that equity crowdfunding recipients be public unlisted companies. “This bill’s requirement that an equity crowdfunding start-up first becomes a public company imposes a significant (and unnecessary) regulatory, administrative and compliance burden on those start-ups,” said the VentureCrowd submission. It went on to point […]
Westpac looks to blockchain, robots and drones in fight for the future
“Blockchain is a technology that is clearly disruptive, but what it will be we don’t know. We do know that $970 million has been spent on blockchain by fintechs,” Curran said. Right now he likens blockchain to Napster – pioneering technology – not necessarily the end point. The tech expo and board update is part of Curran’s bid to ensure he and his team are recognised by the bank as “game-changing technologists”. But it’s not all toys and what-ifs. Tess (Test Enabling Super Simulator) developed in association with tech firm Infosys, is testing new systems and updates – making sure human interfaces such as ATMs, keyboards, note counters and the […]
Blockchain may transform banking, says CBA CEO Ian Narev
CoinDesk, an online news publication covering bitcoin and its underlying technology, published a feature article last week with the headline: “Have we reached peak blockchain hype?” That’s a fair question, given the extensive global attention the blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, has been receiving of late. Diverse applications are being touted, traversing banking, law, conveyancing and logistics to overturning corrupt governments in developing countries. With banks around the world rushing to join projects to build “permissioned ledgers” (blockchains with a restricted membership), proponents in the financial services sector are growing acutely aware that hype can turn into a noose. And so blockchain expectations management is in full swing: technologists inside […]
Aussie Start-up helps you beat the Mortgage market
An Australian Fintech Startup may be the next Uber in the mortgage industry. The mortgage industry is in for a David and Goliath show down, with LoanDolphin stepping in to create a much more competitive market place. In summary LoanDolphin is a free online auction marketplace where lenders (brokers and banks) fight for customer’s business. Since its launch in December last year the platform has had $20 Million worth of loan auctions posted. The proud co-founder of LoanDolphin shared with us that 100% of the customers who had posted an Auction to refinance have received a quoted rate which was well below their current rate. On average customers had receive […]
A big US fintech startup just launched in Australia that turns pocket change into investments
US fintech startup Acorns Grow, which turns small change into an investment portfolio, launches in Australia today after a successful trial period with 22,000 people. The service’s aim is to be an inexpensive, easy way to get into the sharemarket and is targeted at people younger than 35, of which 75% made up its trail customer base in Australia. It allows users, whether on through the website or mobile app to add their bank account so that it can see their spendings, round up daily purchases, and automatically invest the change into diversified portfolios of index funds. It can be anything from a $3.50 coffee which gets round up to […]