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Mint Payments expands travel portfolio with new partner agreement

Payments processing technology provider, Mint Payments (ASX: MNW) has partnered with one of Australia’s most affordable and adaptable travel agency software solution providers TravelPartner (Aust) Pty Ltd, signing a two-year licence and distribution agreement to deliver its fully integrated online payments processing service to its growing network of travel agents. TravelPartner has integrated Mint’s card payment module into its core SaaS product offering VTO Ultimate to enable seamless and easy credit card payment acceptance by travel agents for all travel and service fee transactions. This partnership removes the current manual effort required by the agent as the software seamlessly creates an invoice, takes payment, generates a receipt and reconciles it […]


Acorns closes off the year with user growth and new features

Micro-investing app Acorns has amassed more than 160,000 sign ups since its Australian launch in February this year, with its phenomenal growth reflecting the appetite local consumers have for business to consumer FinTech.   Acorns allows users to invest their virtual spare change into an investment portfolio, automatically rounding up transactions to the nearest dollar when purchasing on a credit or debit card. The app then allocates the spare change into one of five self-selected exchange traded fund (ETF) portfolios.   Since February, the total amount invested by Australians into Acorns through just their round-up transactions has reached $13.5 million. Further, the total amount saved from recurring deposits into the […]


5 Tips For Better Understanding Peer-to-Peer Property Lending in Australia

As a bumper year for property investment comes to a close, emerging trends towards non-bank finance in the property space gather steam heading into the new year. Developers need more funds to deliver their projects as the major banks pull back on finance. As more investors get comfortable with researching higher yielding investment opportunities, we take a look at the key things you need to know about ‘Peer-to-Peer’ (P2P) debt-style lending in the Australian property market.   Don’t Chase High Returns If a debt offering is returning 18-30% and is a mezzanine type, deal chances are it is extremely risky. A developer is only paying this pain money as a […]


Banks pay lip service to fintech collaboration

Banks need to become “platforms” that deliver financial services alongside various start-up partners, but many banks are paying lip service to collaboration and remain reluctant to engage with the local fintech ecosystem, according to Alex Scandurra, chief executive of fintech hub Stone & Chalk. The notion that a bank can merely innovate internally “is such outdated thinking,” he told the 1300 delegates to the Reimagination’16 summit in Sydney on Thursday. Banks needed to shift from thinking they sell a mortgage, deposit or loan to being “a platform of services [that] deliver a whole range of things to customers, some of which are built and delivered by [the bank], some of […]


StartupAUS’s Crossroads report reveals 14-point plan to transform economy

Two-and-a-half years ago, StartupAUS declared that Australia was at a crossroads. We released our first report, bearing the Crossroads name, and called for a future that embraced technology start-ups and innovation. Today we released the third report in that series. You can find it online at The question in 2016 isn’t which path to go down, but how far and how fast we are prepared to travel. In the last 18 months, we’ve seen encouraging progress across all areas of the nation’s start-up ecosystem. Right from inception, start-ups are better equipped to find a home. Hubs for specific start-ups such as SproutX (agtech) and Stone and Chalk (fintech) have […]


How UBank’s FinTech culture enables Agile to thrive

Some organisational cultures can find it difficult to adapt to an Agile mindset. Central to adopting an Agile approach is emphasising visibility and transparency. This includes making everything (including bad news) visible across the entire organisation. It also means prioritising face-to-face communication. Finally, open team reflection is critical to identifying where things went wrong and how they should improve. One organisation that has done this successfully is online bank, UBank. Bulletproof was engaged by UBank in July to provide Agile coaching for ten weeks across four product teams in its digital division. The bank – which says it operates more like FinTech with a banking licence – wanted to improve […]


Apple offers banks an olive branch

It’s a rare thing to see three of Australia’s big banks, so dominant in their home market, arguing for special dispensation from commercial laws to boost their bargaining position. But when it comes to dealing with Apple, the world’s largest company, Australia’s banks are mere minnows. But with the combination of smartphone proliferation and tap-and-go technology set to revolutionise payments by allowing customers to use their phones like plastic cards, the banks see this case as a cudgel. They’re desperate to retain customer relationships at the point of sale and as commerce moves to mobiles. This fight is an early battle for control of the digital wallet. Apple, banks, retailers […]


Hashching creates virtual ID system for first fully-digital loan approvals

Hashching, a website for home buyers to choose mortgage brokers, has built the first fully-digital process for home loan verification in Australia, which would allow banks to comply with strict regulations for identifying clients without having to send them to a branch. This weekend, Hashching, which has processed $2.6 billion of mortgages since launching 15 months ago, will begin the pilot for a biometric identity verification service allowing brokers on its platform to satisfy strict “know your client” (KYC) banking regulations by asking a customer on a video call to hold up a proof of identity to the camera on their computer or mobile phone. Across the banking industry, KYC […]