
A great fintech border invasion

If ever there were a banking niche ripe for disruption, it would be cross-border payments. It almost defies comprehension that Amazon can deliver physical goods faster than a bank can make a credit entry. The reason, of course, is that remittances still meander through the 600 year-old correspondent banking system, which requires six players to link up to achieve the final outcome — the payer, the payer’s bank, the payer’s bank’s correspondent, the beneficiary’s bank’s correspondent, the beneficiary’s bank and the beneficiary. The system is clunky, opaque and extremely costly for users. Fintech was always going to find a better solution, and the machinery is now in place for far-reaching […]


Australia needs to foster FinTech with level playing field

The recent Presidential election in the US and the Brexit vote in the UK clearly show that the public in liberal democracies like Australia are tired of failure by governments to ensure social justice is being served on all levels. Political and corporate leaders appear to the public to act with impunity and social policies are not addressing the increasing inequality of wealth. These leaders seem to be out of touch with their constituents, illustrated by the surprise results in US and UK. Leaders in Australia should be warned — they ignore, at their peril, social justice issues such as the behaviour of the ‘Big Four’ banks, who operate in […]


Exchange trade funds to over take listed investment companies by 2018

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are poised to overtake listed investment companies as the most popular pooled investment option on the ASX within two years if current trends persist. ASX data for November shows that the value of ETFs rose by 17 per cent to $24.5 billion, while the value of listed investment companies rose just 2.3 per cent to $30.5 billion. Experts point to the increasing sophistication of investors, regulatory change, growing numbers of ETF strategies available at low cost and the rise of the self-managed super fund as among the key forces driving ETF fund flows. Listed investment companies, which have a long history of performing for retail funds, […]


5 Tips For Better Understanding Peer-to-Peer Property Lending in Australia

As a bumper year for property investment comes to a close, emerging trends towards non-bank finance in the property space gather steam heading into the new year. Developers need more funds to deliver their projects as the major banks pull back on finance. As more investors get comfortable with researching higher yielding investment opportunities, we take a look at the key things you need to know about ‘Peer-to-Peer’ (P2P) debt-style lending in the Australian property market.   Don’t Chase High Returns If a debt offering is returning 18-30% and is a mezzanine type, deal chances are it is extremely risky. A developer is only paying this pain money as a […]


Start-up women gain $1m to break mould

A $1 million program targeted at female entrepreneurs has been launched to shake up the start-up sector to change its image as one dominated by “blokes in hoodies and sneakers”. Start-up accelerator Blue­Chilli, with the support of GSK Australia, has created SheStarts, a national accelerator program and campaign to turbocharge female leadership in the start-up economy. BlueChilli’s head of diversity and impact, Nicola Hazell, who is also director of SheStarts, said there was a huge gender gap in that part of the economy. “Australia is looking at how we transform our economy to be innovative and technology-led but we are building an economy where women are missing in action,” she […]


Returns on IPOs Jump in 2016

Year-to-date returns on Australian Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) sat at an impressive 35.8% as at November 30, compared to just 2.7% for the S&P/ASX200, a sign of a healthy company float market, according to Ben Bucknell, Chief Executive of OnMarket BookBuilds (OMB). The OnMarket November IPO Report reveals over the month of November, 12 companies raised a total $1.95 billion by floating on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), well up on the five listings in November 2015 which raised $558 million. The average return on those IPOs was 5.2%, a 2.8% outperformance of the S&P/ASX 200. Ben Bucknell, Chief Executive of OnMarket BookBuilds (OMB), said it has been a good […]


CBA want to use AI to tackle fraud and cyber attacks

Commonwealth Bank of Australia is developing artificial intelligence technology to help with cyber security, fraud detection and regulatory compliance, in a sign banks are attempting to put the power of big data to use in reducing risk. CBA’s chief information officer David Whiteing told The Australian Financial Review that so-called machine learning technology will be used to help the bank make sense of large sets of “noisy” data and alert management to areas requiring their attention. The work will come alongside a broader program of innovative projects investigating the possibilities of technologies such as the internet of things, quantum computing and the blockchain. “When you have a large data set […]


Xero + Apple Pay + Stripe = Faster Payments

Xero today announced the integration of Apple Pay through Stripe, making it even faster and easier for customers to get paid. Xero’s 862,000 subscribers can now offer their customers the ability to view and pay an invoice using Apple Pay through Stripe. Invoices paid with a payment service get paid almost 80 per cent faster than invoices that don’t offer a payment service. This new feature is available automatically to everyone on Xero using Stripe where Apple Pay is available. Small business owners consistently point to delays in getting paid as one of their biggest pain points, which puts a strain on cash flow. Xero customers sent 15 million invoices […]