

Kerry Agiasotis of WUBS: Win-win when rivals turn partners

One of the world’s largest non-bank providers of international business payment solutions says aspiring fintech companies should seek to pursue partnerships with their big company ­rivals rather than fighting them if they want their ideas to reach their full potential. The chief executive of Western Union Business Solutions, the dedicated business payments unit of the New York Stock Exchange-listed Western Union Company, said the firm was increasingly looking to partner with fintechs and other start-ups. WUBS is primary spot foreign currency trading provider to 20 per cent of the SME market in Australia and secondary provider to another 20 per cent, including the big four banks. It has more than […]


Visa hunts Australian and New Zealand fintech start-ups with launch of contest

Payments giant Visa is on the hunt for Australia and New Zealand-based fintech start-ups, with the local launch of a contest it hopes will encourage the brightest young companies to develop applications on its network. They will open up applications for the contest it calls The Everywhere Initiative this week, which will require tech companies to tackle real world challenges faced in the financial services sector, with entries closing on August 26. Visa’s global head of digital and marketing transformation Shiv Singh told The Australian Financial Review that while the contest winners would have the opportunity to win up to $70,000, the real value came in the chance to run […]


Fintech luring more bank customers, says UBS

More Australians will turn to start-ups for financial services in the next year, according to a UBS report, which shows incumbent banks are complacent about the threat of disruption but are also seeking to partner with fintech firms to help them cut costs and improve customer experiences. UBS banking analysts surveyed 27,914 customers of more than 210 banks in 24 countries, along with 61 management teams from banks around the world. Local UBS banking analyst Jonathan Mott along with analysts in London, New York and Tokyo contributed to the global report, titled Global banks: Is fintech a threat or an opportunity? UBS suggests the answer to the question is “Both”. […]


Mutual bank has ‘agility and attitude’ to embrace fintech

A listed Australian bank is collaborating with some of Australia’s most promising fintech start-ups to harness the power of new digital technologies. Heritage Bank is one of seven customer-owned mortgage providers that have joined the new KPMG mLabs program, which will see the mutuals collaborate with 14 fintech start-up companies. The 12-week immersive program provides a structured forum in which they can collaborate on developing commercial solutions to business challenges. The mLabs environment encourages them to ideate new solutions, test assumptions and co-create and prototype products and services. Mr James Mabbott, head of KPMG Innovate, said the KPMG Mutuals Review 2015 noted that mutuals are well placed to implement new […]


Australian banks take on Apple over digital wallets

Four of Australia’s largest banks have asked the competition regulator for permission to join forces and collectively negotiate with Apple to get their own digital wallets onto iPhones. The banks have become frustrated by the world’s biggest company’s strategy of locking third-party providers of digital wallets off the iPhone platform in favour of its own Apple Pay, which is attacking millions of dollars the big banks earn in interchange fees. This is the first time globally a group of financial institutions has sought authorisation from a competition regulator to negotiate as a bloc against Apple. The lack of iPhone access is particularly frustrating for the banks, as they have invested […]


Acorns app hits 100,000 users

In a sign more Australians are looking to invest in their financial futures, over 100,000 users have signed up for micro-investing app Acorns since its launch in Australia in February. Hitting that milestone not only proved the app’s rapid rise in popularity, but it showed a trend among Australians “to look beyond the big four banks for investment and savings opportunities”, Acorns said yesterday. Acorns Australia managing director George Lucas said the app’s success was driven by young Australians who had discovered the benefit of making modest but regular investments, displaying an appetite for fintech innovation that quickly exceeded the growth rate of that experienced comparatively by users in the […]


A VC’s perspective on Blockchain opportunities & impacts on Australia

by Victor Jiang, Managing Partner, Sapien Ventures LLP. I was truly honoured to have presented to and judged alongside a distinguished panel (from ANZ, Westpac, UBS, & Northern Trust) and key industry leaders at the inaugural Australian Blockchain Summit 2016 (Melbourne June 28-30th, 2016), and to have a chance to speak about what we felt are the opportunities and impacts of Blockchain on Australia. (The speech was immediately before a pitch/showcase session of 6 excitingly disruptive blockchain startups from USA and Australia, including one dialling in from 3am in their local time!) __________________________________ I’m really excited and honoured to be here, speaking just ahead of some truly exciting startups in the blockchain space. […]


Robo-advice and mobile alerts are the future of banking

New app aimed at reducing trader errors, while Westpac banks on bots. Banks and financial institutions are ramping up competitiveness and improving their mobile offerings in an effort to maintain and assist customers, traders and employees. A new report by US market research company Forrester says banks will increasingly use banking apps to provide money management tips to consumers, the SMH reported. This sentiment has been realised in Australia. A team of behavioural finance and math experts launched the first ever robotic trading coach, PsyQuation. The robo coach provides a feedback loop alert system that points out costly trading mistakes. How traders interact with the alert and the ways in […]