

Fintech stocks to win from booming market of independent financial advice

Listed investment platforms that benefit from the move towards independent financial advice are among the few winners from the Financial Services Royal Commission. The Commission’s shocking revelations on bank culture and financial-advice standards will surely strengthen the move towards independent financial advice – a trend that has been underway since 2013 Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms. More financial advisers will move away from bank-aligned distribution channels or large wealth-management firms and work for themselves. More customers, concerned about bank ethics, will favour financial advisers who demonstrate genuine independence. Also, advisers will need to look for new ways to grow their business through technology. They’ll need tools that help them […]


Do you know who you’re getting into bed with?

As new lenders pop up, seemingly overnight, Jacaranda Finance are going back to their roots.   With the new financial year looming, Jacaranda Finance has been hard at work re-building its brand, even going as far as designing a brand new logo. By going back to the company’s original roots of stripped down family values, Jacaranda Finance is reminding loyal clients why they’re the lender for every Aussie. Founded in 2013 by Daniel Wessels, the company was lifted to new heights as Daniel brought on his father, younger brother and a close family friend. Since then, they have worked to provide tens of thousands of Australians with much-needed finance in […]


PayWave: Australia will soon be ‘entirely cashless’

Cash could become a distant memory as soon as 2026, according to startling new predictions from experts. According to data from the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)’s ongoing Consumer Payment Methods survey, the percentage of cash payments in the country plummeted from 69 per cent in 2007 to just 37 per cent in 2016. A projection of that data by comparison site has revealed that if the current trend continues, physical cash could vanish in Australia as soon as 2026. It’s even earlier than the predicted expiry date of ATMs, with an analysis of RBA statistics by showing they could disappear from our streets by 2036. Finder’s money […]


Stockbrokers embrace Fintech

Something quite extraordinary happened at this year’s Annual Stockbrokers (SAFAA) Conference in Melbourne May 22-24, which culminated in blockchain based cryptocurrency broker, Caleb and Brown taking first place honours in the inaugural “Stockbroker Fintech Start-up of 2018” award. Six weeks ago Caleb and Brown and the 9 other local and international fintech firms had no plans to be taking part in the conference in any shape or form. Speaking after the prize giving award at the conference founder and CEO of Caleb and Brown, Dr. Prash P said “Our business is on a significant growth trajectory and being able to meet and partner with the stockbroking community in a meaningful […]


Australian charities adapt to cashless society with arrival of Apple Pay

The charity sector needs to adapt to a world without cash, according to the CEO of Cancer Council Australia, which is set to be one of the first Australian charities to use Apple Pay. ANZ announced on Tuesday that Donate with Apple Pay would be available on its Shout For Good fundraising platform, providing more than 60 of its aligned charities with an “easy and secure way to offer digital payments”. Apple Pay allows Australians to donate to charities through their mobile phone, or online, and eliminates the need to enter billing and contact information, create an account or fill out long forms to check out. Cancer Council Australia will […]


Australian Government backs Fintech HashChing with $700,000 loan from Jobs NSW

HashChing, a Sydney-based home loan marketplace, has just announced a $700,000 loan from Jobs NSW. Deputy Premier and Minister for Small Business John Barilaro said the NSW Government had backed the Fintech which is expected to create 46 jobs over the next five years. “Jobs for NSW is helping some of our brightest business people overcome barriers to finance – it’s about making smart investments that allow good business ideas and businesses to grow,” said Barilaro. “The Jobs for NSW Strategic Growth Loan will allow the company to hire software developers, product developers, a data scientist and sales and marketing staff to support HashChing’s continued growth.” HashChing is an online […]


CoinSpot opens personal NEO/GAS wallet addresses for users

Australian NEO fans might have something to look forward to with CoinSpot introducing individual user wallets for NEO and GAS.


Fintech forcing major shifts in banking strategies

The banking sector is undergoing many changes currently, as technology is becoming increasingly important to keep up with fintech competition. It has become apparent that the space is evolving in a way that will see new technologies have an outsized impact in the next few years, according to a report from Temenos and The Economist Intelligence Unit. Additionally, the report examined the impact of open banking and how banks are shifting their business models, among other things. Here are some of the key takeaways from the report: Tech and digitization will have a bigger impact than regulation. Forty-eight percent of banking executives think new technologies, such as blockchain and AI, will have the […]