
Meet the world’s first instant home loan: Tic:Toc

Australian fintech Tic:Toc, today announced the launch of its world first online instant home loan platform, offering eligible customers full home loan approval in just 22 minutes. Tic:Toc, an Australian online lending platform, uses a digital decisioning system to assess and approve a customers’ online application in real-time, without the need for a human credit assessor. This allows Tic:Toc to radically improve turnaround times from the typical 22 days to just 22 minutes, as well as pass on the cost savings of digitisation to the customer via competitive interest rates and no application, settlement or valuation fees. By delivering the first genuinely online and fully automated home loan, Tic:Toc hopes […]


Finch founders urge banks to invest in start-ups, not ‘innovation theatre’

The big banks have been challenged to stop performing "innovation theatre" and invest more money into start-ups, or risk being disrupted by major tech players such as Apple and Facebook, which have started to creep into the banks' territory. "The banks are spending more money furnishing accelerator labs than on start-ups. It's a great example of innovation theatre where they have to look like they're busy," the co-founder of consumer fintech start-up Finch, Toby Gardner, said. "It feels as if the banks have been taking an imitative, not innovative, approach ... but they're learning now that these technology companies aren't looking to make friends." The comments from Mr Gardner come […]

Midwinter launches Kamino – cyber security service for advisers and accountants

Australian based financial services technology provider Midwinter has today announced the upcoming launch of Kamino, a cyber security service for financial advisers and accountants. The offering will include vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and ongoing monitoring in order for accounting, advice practices and licensees to assess the strengths and weakness of their systems. Midwinter saw an opportunity to offer the financial services sector a service which provides a cyber ‘health check’ – helping small to medium businesses identify vulnerabilities in their current systems and to provide guidance when it comes to protecting themselves against potential cyber threats. The company chose to narrowcast the offering to only advisers and accountants as it […]


DomaCom acquires property via HUB24

DomaCom has completed its first fractional property transaction on investment and superannuation platform HUB24. DomaCom chief executive, Arthur Naoumidis, said: “Increasing our footprint on platforms is validation that our fractional property fund is gaining wider acceptance and a place in portfolio construction that can fit into any structure”. “We’re very pleased to add HUB24 to the list of platforms coming on board with DomaCom and in this case it is GPS Wealth adviser clients who have completed a crowdfunding campaign to acquire two properties in Victoria and Queensland,” he said. DomaCom’s fractional property investment model allows advisers to approach property as a portfolio strategy investing across multiple properties, property types […]


Trump fuels demand for more ethical investing

The unexpected rise of Donald Trump has helped fuel the formation of the “ethical generation,” which is comprised of socially conscious consumers committed to ensuring their investments are sustainable and align with their own world view. In the US calls to boycott Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand saw it dumped from major department stores and after ridesharing service Uber switched on surge pricing to capitalise on the crowds at an anti-Trump protest in New York, a #deleteuber movement kicked off. Last week anti-Adani coal mine protesters prompted the temporary closure of 11 Commonwealth Bank of Australia branches in Newcastle and the boss of the corporate watchdog, Greg Medcraft is on record […]


Banks trial blockchain solution to speed up guarantee process

ANZ and Westpac have teamed up with IBM and Westfield shopping centre owner Scentre Group to bring the bank guarantee process up to speed using blockchain technology. The trial, powered by IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric platform, replaces the paper-based bank guarantee process used for commercial property leasing with a digital ledger that becomes the central source of information for all parties. Distributed ledger technology underpins blockchain, with ANZ’s general manager of digital banking, Nigel Dobson, saying the trial showcases how the technology can be used to develop business solutions. “Whether it’s crypto currencies or other public applications of blockchain, so far they have not been business grade,” Mr Dobson said. “This […]


SocietyOne breaks through $300 million of lending

SocietyOne, Australia’s pioneering and leading marketplace lender, has broken through $300 million of total originations since it started operating five years ago with 2017 on track to set further lending records. SocietyOne advanced over $100 million of new lending during the first half of 2017, underlining its position as the clear leader in the Australian consumer marketplace lending sector. Combined lending of $45 million in the first quarter of 2017 and $57 million in the second quarter resulted in year-on-year growth of almost 70% for the six months ending 30 June 2017. That compares to $61 million of new lending advanced in the first half of 2016. SocietyOne’s loan book […]


This Sydney anti-fraud fintech just landed $2 million in a Series A round

Secure payments fintech EFTsure has revealed it has closed a $2 million series A capital raising round, led by Sydney venture capital firm Our Innovation Fund. The startup has developed a platform that allows businesses to cross-check in real-time that the name of the payee matches the BSB and account numbers before the payment is made – a practice that Australian banks do not perform. “Payments fraud is a growing area of cybercrime in Australia, with fast payment methods significantly increasing the risk of fraudulent activity. It’s critical to ensure a focus on both fast and secure payments as the new NPP platform is introduced,” said EFTsure co-founder Ian Mirels, […]