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Australian FinTech company profile #13 – Arctic Intelligence

Arctic Intelligence is a RegTech business that provides market-leading audit, risk and compliance software in the financial crime risk management area.


Key benefits of robo-advisors in Fintech

When you are investing and strive for a higher ROI, whom do you address? As a rule, you reach out to a team of wealth advisors. That means meeting regularly with those financial consultants to discuss your ventures and make adjustments to your investment portfolio. This process is time and money consuming and can be frustrating, as well. This does not need to be the case. We know how to change it with a revolutionary new approach to wealth management. A new service called robo advising makes it a thing of the past. These digital assistants provide automated algorithm-based portfolio management analysis with accurate figures and efficient risk assessment. Robo-advisors […]

Rejected by banks: SMEs struggle to secure finance

Research commissioned by OnDeck, a leading online SME lender, highlights the problems that small businesses face trying to secure finance. Two out of five SMEs surveyed have sought finance in the past. However, almost one in four (23%) have been knocked back by their bank. Rejection rates rise to 37% among businesses that have been in operation for less than five years. Noah Breslow, Global CEO of OnDeck, says, “What is particularly concerning, is that one in three SMEs rejected for bank finance have had to reach out to family or friends for funding, or have simply resorted to using a credit card.”   Lengthy finance approvals hurt SME operations […]

Australian FinTech company profile #5 – SavR

Company Name: SavR Website: Key Staff & Titles: Tim O'Shea - CEO, Costas Aletrari - CTO, Kevin Lacey - COO Location(s): Brisbane, Australia and Kansas City, USA In one sentence, what does your fintech do?: An Automated savings App to help people Plan, Savr FOR and Save ON their next Vacation How / why did you start your fintech company?: My career in the Finance industry has centred around helping people improve their lives by better managing their money. Our app was originally designed to help people reduce debt faster, but our users constantly requested help with saving for a Vacation. With all the other financial noise most people […]

Australia’s Consumer Data Right to open banking

by Doug Morris, CEO, Sharesight In collaboration with Fintech Australia, Sharesight has officially endorsed a submission on the Treasury Laws Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Bill 2019 that seeks to create the Consumer Data Right (CDR) with an amendment to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The Consumer Data Right (CDR) will mandate that banks and financial institutions (before later extending to telecommunications and utility providers) make it easy, safe, and practical for consumers to share their data with third parties — including competing services. It’s one of several critical ingredients needed to improve the financial outcome for Australians. Open Banking initiatives are already in place in the UK, and progress […]


Australia punches above its weight with Blockchain Innovation

ACS, the professional association for Australia’s ICT sector, today announced the publication of Blockchain Innovation: A Patent Analytics Report at Barangaroo, Sydney. Through providing insight into innovators in blockchain technology – based on patents filed – the report will assist both businesses and governments in understanding the technology and the degree to which it is a critical enabler for continued economic growth. ACS President Yohan Ramasundara said, “Blockchain has been hyped as one of the most transformative and disruptive technologies on the immediate horizon. With the global market forecast to grow to US$60 billion by 2024, Australian businesses and governments alike have ample opportunity to leverage the technology as it matures.” The […]


Yet another end of Cryptocurrency? What influences the market now

Most cryptocurrencies have seen their growth slow down in recent months. The prices of Bitcoin and major altcoins have leveled out at a point well below their peak prices. While some investors take this as a sign that the market is starting to mature, others see this trend as disconcerting. The situation surrounding cryptocurrency is not what it was a year ago. This also means that the factors that influence the market have changed, although some factors are enduring and will always affect cryptocurrency performance. Here are some of the major factors influencing the market right now. Bitcoin Price The price of Bitcoin influences the prices of all other digital […]


Equity Crowdfunding: A Fintech Story

  by Steve Kourabas* Digital Revolution The period following the global financial crisis of 2008 has brought with it massive changes to the digital economy. Almost every human interaction, and almost every organisation, has been impacted by the technology boom, which has brought with it new opportunities for innovation and dynamism. Developments in the area of finance have been particularly pronounced, with Fintech (a contraction of “finance” and “technology”) offering the opportunity to an increasing number of consumers around the world at all income levels to participate in financial markets.[1] Equity Crowdfunding (ECF) is one such advancement in the Fintech space that offers the opportunity for small and medium enterprises […]