Search Result: change financial


Fintech start-up Afterpay plans ASX listing

Fintech start-up Afterpay — backed by legendary corporate raider Ron Brierley and a host of alumni from his former Guinness Peat Group — plans to list on the Australian Securities Exchange to supercharge growth plans after signing up more than 100 retailers to its online e-commerce product in the past nine months. Afterpay, whose backers include Mr Brierley’s ASX-listed Mercantile Investment Company, LinkedIn Southeast Asia managing director Cliff Rosenberg and Melbourne IVF founder John McBain, plans to raise $25 million in a float that will value the company at about $150m. Mr Brierley’s Mercantile last year bankrolled an $8m capital raising by the company. Mercantile is expected to emerge with […]


Treasurer Scott Morrison tells big regulators to prepare for new fintech rules

Australia’s top financial regulators have been told by Treasurer Scott Morrison to prepare for a new system to regulate financial technology start-ups that will allow entrepreneurs to spend more time building business ideas and less time navigating complex financial services regulations. The federal government is expected to release next week policy changes to support the growth of fintech companies threatening to disrupt banking incumbents. This will include a “regulatory sandbox” scheme, which will allow fintech startups to test their products and systems in a controlled environment. Under the proposal, early stage start-ups would be able to avoid extensive regulatory licence applications, which can eat up seed capital before they determine […]


Blockchain may transform banking, says CBA CEO Ian Narev

CoinDesk, an online news publication covering bitcoin and its underlying technology, published a feature article last week with the headline: “Have we reached peak blockchain hype?” That’s a fair question, given the extensive global attention the blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, has been receiving of late. Diverse applications are being touted, traversing banking, law, conveyancing and logistics to overturning corrupt governments in developing countries. With banks around the world rushing to join projects to build “permissioned ledgers” (blockchains with a restricted membership), proponents in the financial services sector are growing acutely aware that hype can turn into a noose. And so blockchain expectations management is in full swing: technologists inside […]


Fintech adoption tipped to double in 2016

The level of fintech adoption among consumers is set to grow significantly in the next 12 months, new research has revealed. EY’s inaugural FinTech Adoption Index – a survey of 10,131 digitally-active consumers in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and the US – found that 15.5 per cent had used at least two fintech services (financial services products developed by non-bank, non-insurance, online companies) in the past six months. It also suggested that adoption rates among digitally active consumers could double within the next 12 months. EY Australia’s fintech leader, Anita Kimber, said it is a change that will require traditional financial services companies to revisit their product, […]


‘EY Fintech Adoption Index’ – out today

Ernst & Young have now released their ‘EY Fintech Adoption Index’ which outlines how quickly the market is taking up FinTech products. While we are a market leader in the adoption of credit card contactless payment technologies we are slow to take up FinTech products. As our market matures this is sure to change. Exploring a new financial services landscape Driven by innovative startups and major technology players, the booming FinTech industry is capturing traditional market share by offering customers easy-to-use and compelling products and services. We surveyed more than 10,000 digitally active people in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States to better understand […]


Congratulations Fintech 100

The financial services industry is facing a wave of digital disruption that is starting to reshape the sector. The Fintech 100 celebrates the top companies this bold new space: the 50 leading established players creating change within financial services, and 50 of the emerging fintech stars of tomorrow. The Fintech 100 offers an in-depth view of the most exciting startups and organisations taking advantage of technology to revolutionise the industry. The report is a collaborative effort between H2 Ventures and KPMG. Click below to see the entire list. Source: Fintech 100


What can we learn from fintech disruptors?

On Tuesday Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, declared: “there has never been a more exciting time to be in fintech,” – but in truth, there has never been a more exciting time to be in any kind of innovation. We can’t deny that technological innovation came late to financial services but it’s here now and it’s booming. Fintech has become a multi-billion dollar consumer driven industry globally and we’re on the cusp of something great here. As we grow as an industry, we’re making mistakes and learning from them – after all, that’s what innovation is all about! Thankfully, there is much to be gained from this learning process, not just […]


Hopes high innovation statement can lift fintech

The financial technology community is eager to see if financial services will be called out in the innovation statement, reflecting the current surge in investment and activity in fintech start-ups and their potential to enhance customer service and reduce costs. The government has set itself a high bar to hurdle as it releases its innovation statement on Monday: the package will be “a complete game-changer for our country”, Assistant Innovation Minister Wyatt Roy has said, while Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised it will contain “a very large number of substantial measures”. Tax reform for start-up investors seems likely to receive bipartisan support, after Labor pledged on Friday to give […]