First Australian digital currency exchange regulated: Independent Reserve
Independent Reserve, the Australian digital currency exchange, yesterday became the first Australian exchange of its kind to be regulated. Independent Reserve is the first exchange to be regulated by the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC). Set up in 1989, AUSTRAC ensures Australian institutions conform to the required standards around Counter-Terrorism Financing and Know Your Customer rules. CEO Adrian Przelozny said the regulation represented a huge leap forward for the local digital currency industry. “We have been lobbying for increased regulation since we opened for business in 2014,” he said. “We passionately believe that the digital currency economy will – and should – become just another part of the mainstream […]
ONLY 6 days left to enter 2018 Finnie Awards
Entries are now open for Australia’s only industry-backed awards. FinTech Australia together with the NSW Government’s Jobs for NSW has come together to launch the 2018 Finnie awards. A total of 23 awards will be on offer, including FinTech Organisation of the Year, FinTech Leader of the Year, Female FinTech Leader of the Year and Emerging FinTech Organisation of the Year. In addition, fintech companies will have the opportunity to be recognised for excellence in sectors such as lending, wealth management, payments, crowdfunding, blockchain, artificial intelligence and regtech. For this year’s awards, a new award category has been introduced for the best fintech user experience/design outcome. Enter now! […]
Have you checked Australia’s only FinTech jobs platform?
Australian FinTech, the No.1 site for all things ‘fintech’ in Australia also runs Australia’s only dedicated fintech jobs platform, Our mantra of ‘quality not quantity’ candidates is already proving successful according to leading FinTech companies and recruitment firms. And it’s not just for finance or tech jobs – Australian FinTech Jobs has seen roles from interns to the CEO and everything in between. Think of it as ‘ for FinTech’ where 10,000+ unique users visit each month. Candidates can apply through our site or directly to a specific URL/link on your website/job management platform so all the applications are in one spot. You can also showcase your company by […]
Cryptocurrency owners must be aware of tax changes
Changes to Australia’s anti-money laundering rules have come into effect today, and will see cryptocurrency exchanges and transactions more susceptible to the scrutiny of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), according to HLB Mann Judd’s Peter Bembrick. Bembrick, tax partner at HLB Mann Judd Sydney, said the rules would catch cryptocurrency owners by surprise, and ignorance is not a defence for failing to pay the appropriate tax. Bembrick said to avoid falling foul of the ATO, cryptocurrency owners should know that the ATO teats cryptocurrency as an asset for tax purposes, and, as such, the price in Australian dollars will change over time. There is also a taxable capital gain when […]
Bureaucracy fumbles Australia’s innovation vision
Australian corporate regulator ASIC’s commissioner, John Price, has called out “innovation” as a concept about which it is easy to wax lyrical, but “difficult to apply in practice”. Mr Price made the comments at the recent Senate Economics Legislation Committee meeting into the regulatory sandbox for fintechs when asked: “Is an innovation benchmark appropriate?” With just five fintech companies making the grade for the first version of the sandbox, and consumer advocacy group Choice arguing the sandbox needed a higher “innovation” bar to entry, his answer suggests this is a bigger question than the regulatory body can begin to answer. Mr Price was “not surprised” with the low take-up of […]
PrimaryMarkets offers liquidity for local unicorns
PrimaryMarkets is a platform for delivering liquidity to unlisted securities and investments, matching buyers and sellers in a secure controlled environment.
Westpac strikes deal with Assembly Payments
Westpac Banking Corp has bought an equity stake in Assembly Payments and will work with the Melbourne-based fintech to integrate the bank’s merchant terminals with customers’ point-of-sale (POS) software, removing the need for transaction amounts to be entered into retailers’ systems twice. For workers in the nation’s restaurants and coffee shops, entering the dollar amount of a transaction into a banking terminal to complete a sale might be a small frustration, but the extra process can add up to real dollars for business owners. Westpac estimates that for a typical Sydney CBD cafe – which completes between 1000 and 1500 transactions a day – the three to five seconds of […]
Fintech and Property: What You Need to Know
Using Fintech in the property industry Australians embrace technology in everyday life and they expect it to be part of everything they do. For the last three years, Fintech has been one of the fastest growing industries in Australia, with the number of registered companies growing from around 100 in 2015 to 600 in 2018. With the rapid growth of the industry in Australia, the door is open for the property industry to benefit. What Fintech products will the property industry gain the most benefit from? Data Analytics: Using information and data from Fintech platforms will help advisors and agents to make informed decisions for their clients. They will be […]