

Robo-advice using algorithms are replacing financial planners

Robo-advice is part of a new financial marketing system that could chug along without much human intervention and is aimed at giving you a sense of financial security.


Data61 wants Australia to go all-in on fintech and cybersecurity innovation

Data61 has published a guide on how Australia can leverage the cybersecurity and fintech talent present in the country’s startup scene, highlighting in particular the need to combine the two sectors with the strong backing of both industry and government to advance Australia’s global competitiveness. In Startup Secrets: How Australia can create new businesses with fintech and cyber security industry collaboration, the country’s peak innovation group says it is important to look at the intersection of fintech and cybersecurity to solve complex problems via collaboration, rather than by competing. According to Australia’s Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on Cyber Security Alastair MacGibbon, cybersecurity is the foundation of the country’s […]


Peer-to-peer lenders lead increase in personal loans

Personal loan applications rose strongly during the December 2016 quarter, with much of the growth coming from online marketplace lenders. The latest Quarterly Consumer Credit Demand Index from credit agency Veda shows the number of personal loan applications for the December 2016 quarter was 12.4 per cent higher than the December 2015 quarter. “Growth in personal loan applications is predominantly coming from products offered by new entrants in the personal lending space, beyond traditional credit card and auto finance markets,” says Angus Luffman, Veda’s general manager of consumer risk. He is referring to the new wave of online marketplaces that can offer investors higher rates of interest than they can […]


Record of Advice production time slashed from half an hour to just seconds

MA Operator, the Australian fintech for independent financial advisers, has a new tool that produces Records of Advice (ROAs) in a matter of seconds. MA Operator’s closest published competitor is only able to produce ROAs in 30 minutes. This was announced in 2016 and at the time was a significant reduction from the still widely-used overnight process. Richard McLean, CEO at Frontier Financial Group, said: “MA Operator’s ROA automated generation takes away days of effort and removes significant costs from our business. More importantly the clients are provided electronic signing of their ROAs, reducing the market lag and increasing the accuracy of the advice, as well as providing a full […]


Blockchain and others will transform financial advice

The potential for distributed ledger and associated technologies has fundamental, long-term ramifications for financial planning businesses. Planners need to be across these innovations now so that when commercial solutions that use these technologies hit the market, their businesses are ready to embrace them. Distributed ledger technology is a way of recording information that makes it easy to verify. Blockchain, which is the system that records how the virtual currency Bitcoin is stored, is one application of this technology. Shortened Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) transaction settlement times will likely be the first real change to the market from Blockchain. Last year, the ASX invested $14.9 million to acquire 5 per cent […]


Westpac’s Reinventure buys tech start-up Doshii

The Westpac-backed venture fund Reinventure has splashed its cash on Melbourne-based payments platform start-up Doshii, a spin-off of Australian point-of-sale vendor Impos. Westpac is the largest investor in Reinventure, which recently launched a second $50 million fund to invest in about a dozen Australian technology ventures. It comes amid a broader trend of Australia’s biggest banks investing in fintech companies aiming to disrupt the payments market, which has so far produced mixed results for the incumbent financial giants. Doshii is the country’s only application programming interface company, and gives app developers a common platform that works with hundreds of point-of-sale systems. Its aim is to overcome a problem in the […]


Scott Morrison backs robo-advisers to cheap superannuation advice to retirees

Treasurer Scott Morrison has endorsed “robo-advisers” offering cheap automated superannuation advice as the next step in Australia’s financial industry, and urged consumers to overcome their privacy fears about business and governments sharing personal data. As the Turnbull government continues to battle controversy over Centrelink’s “robo-debt” letters, Mr Morrison has been spruiking to his international counterparts the commercial and economic opportunities of automated services and sharing consumers’ data. “One of the prime examples is robo-advice, which has the potential to offer financial advice to a wider cross‑section of the community,” Mr Morrison told at a G20 conference in Germany. “In Australia, businesses are beginning to integrate robo-advice into the retirement savings […]


IBM, Optus and Australia Post join blockchain group

IBM, Optus and Australia Post have joined the Australian Digital Currency Commerce Association (ADCCA).