Australian crypto taxes solved
You can now integrate a Crypto Tax Calculator into your Digital Surge cryptocurrency account, allowing you to sort out your required crypto tax reports.
Visa is launching an Aussie crypto card, so soon you can pay for beers with Bitcoin
Australians will soon be able to buy beers and spend cryptocurrency at bricks-and-mortar stores using a new physical debit card backed by Visa.
Australia faces big choices on crypto regulation
The Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre has launched a new round of consultation.
SelfWealth to add Crypto Trading to its popular platform
SelfWealth said retail investors would be able to buy and sell popular cryptocurrencies in real-time while also trading US equities and Australian shares.
New research reveals small businesses lose plenty via FX
In 2020, UK SMEs paid 10x more than corporates for their foreign exchange (FX) when using their banks.
SWIFT to eliminate frictions in international payments
SWIFT today announced the go-live of a service that will enable banks to verify payee account details before an international payment is sent.
Millions of Australians trading cryptocurrency on their phones
Millions of Aussies are trading cryptocurrency from their phones with many believing that bitcoin will become a currency that can be spent in everyday life.
Aussie cryptocurrency industry unanimously calls for fit-for-purpose regulation
Swyftx has asked the Senate Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre to look at regulation of the cryptocurrency industry.