RentReady launches the first pay later solution in Australia for landlords
ASX-listed MoneyMe announce the launch of RentReady, a first to market pay later solution to help agents and landlords better manage investment properties.
Coronavirus has fast-tracked our journey to a cashless future, but will cash disappear altogether?
When did so many Australians fall out of love with cash? A recent survey of consumer payment behaviour from the RBA suggests it’s been a long time coming.
Advice group acquires software business
Advice group Centrepoint Alliance will acquire Enzumo from Chant West to enhance Centrepoint Alliance’s technology offering to the advice sector.
Australia’s recession likely already over: BetaShares
Betashares’ David Bassanese said the extent to which a recession was defined means “the good news is that Australia’s recession is likely already over”.
EML looks set to thrive as economies reopen
EML Payments has weathered the COVID-19 lockdown much better than feared, and is now ideally placed to benefit as global economies reopen.
Sharesight becomes the official portfolio tracker for the Australian Shareholders’ Association
Sharesight has partnered with the Australian Shareholders’ Association, who recommend Sharesight’s superior portfolio tracking service for ASA members.
Airwallex launches new WeChat Pay solution
Global fintech leader Airwallex has launched a new payment acceptance service in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore with WeChat Pay.
Fintechs upbeat in the face of COVID-19
A handful of fintechs have emerged from lockdown with surprisingly upbeat views of the finance sector, as revealed during a webcast held by Morgan Stanley.