adds Morph Chat ERC 20 crypto wallet to Telegram (CRYPTO:GFUN) has added the MetaMorph Telegram Wallet to allow instant transfer of the GoldFund ERC 20 Token to users on Telegram.
Australian Senate: Blockchain will create $3 trillion of value by 2030
The National Blockchain Roadmap expects blockchain tech will drive $175 billion in global business value by 2025 and more than $3 trillion total by 2030.
Outsourced commission processing: a risk-managed approach
Commission processing is an activity that’s operationally important and can be outsourced to partners who specialise in these areas.
Brisbane fintech Jacaranda Finance announces move into the prime lending space
Moving into the prime lending space will allow the company to offer personal loan solutions to a full spectrum of borrowers.
Making finances simple with the Envestnet Yodlee financial data platform
86 400 needed seamless access to customers’ financial data along with APRA approval and found Envestnet Yodlee to be an obvious candidate.
Butn’s Salesforce integration helps speed-up business financing
A new partnership with Salesforce will allow Butn to fund near-instantaneous supply chain and invoice financing transactions using customer data.
Wisr launches secured vehicle finance product
Wisr announce the launch of its second major competitive product into market, secured vehicle finance, following a successful pilot program in FY20.
Laybuy shares to start trading on the ASX today
Laybuy’s listing on the ASX will provide the necessary capital to drive continued growth and positions it well to be a leading BNPL company.