

Socialsuite partners with IXO

Socialsuite has partnered with IXO, a blockchain protocol to deliver blockchain smart contracts for funding based on verified social impact. Melbourne-based technology platform Socialsuite has partnered with IXO, a blockchain protocol to deliver some of the world’s first blockchain smart contracts for funding based on verified social impact. Socialsuite is a SaaS platform with a digital marketplace of validated impact measurement metrics that assists not-for-profits and community service organisations measure and report on the outcomes and impacts of their services, improving their service delivery and ability to obtain further funding. It also provides solutions for government, philanthropic and corporate funders to report on the effectiveness of their investments in social […]


Bitcoin forks: inside the latest craze to hit the cryptocurrency market

Bitcoin God arrived last month. Bitcoin Pizza was delivered in January. Bitcoin Private’s issuance date is… still a secret. They’re just a few of the growing stable of so-called forks – a type of spinoff in which developers clone Bitcoin’s software, release it with a new name, a new coin and possibly a few new features. Often, the idea is to capitalise on the public’s familiarity with Bitcoin to make some serious money, at least virtually. Some 19 Bitcoin forks came out last year – but up to 50 more could happen this year, according to Lex Sokolin, global director of fintech strategy at Autonomous Research. Ultimately, the number could […]


A tale of two FinTech hubs

The Victorian government has opted to fund two separate FinTech hubs in Melbourne following an extended tender process. The government announced last June that it would work with an “established innovation hub operator” to establish a FinTech hub at the Goods Shed North in Docklands. But on 21 December, one day before the Christmas and New Year’s break and typically a time used to quietly drop announcements, the state revealed that it would instead fund two two separate FinTech hubs – in two separate location operated by two separate companies, Stone & Chalk and York Butter Factory Ventures (YBF). Stone & Chalk will take the originally proposed space in Docklands, […]


Aussie parents worried about kids in cashless economy

As Australian families prepare for the holidays to come to an end, new research* into attitudes towards money and financial education, reveals that 43 per cent of parents believe their children don’t learn enough about money at school. Spriggy, a financial education app, commissioned the national survey of parents with kids between the ages of 8-17 years, and found that more than a third (39 per cent) of those surveyed are ‘worried’ about their children’s understanding of digital money, with Queenslanders the most concerned. Despite this, three quarters (78 per cent) of Aussie mums and dads continue to provide pocket money using physical cash. Aussie parents are big believers in pocket […]


Fintechs gear up for open banking

A provider of data and analytics insights has acquired an Adelaide-based fintech as preparation for an open banking regime. Formerly Dun & Bradstreet, analytics firm illion has acquired Proviso, a specialist in automated bank statement retrieval, analysis and categorisation solutions. Proviso was founded in 2013 by Luke and Dallin Howes and counts major banks and non-bank lenders among its clients. The timing was right for Proviso to tap into a wider network of customers, while also gaining access to illion’s extensive data analytics capabilities, Proviso chief executive Luke Howes said. “Proviso has grown considerably since 2013, developing innovative products, forming great customer relationships and providing services to millions of consumers […]


Equity crowdfunding plugs the bank gap for Revvies Energy Strips

Revvies Energy Strips is one of the first cabs off the rank to try the new equity crowdfunding rules. The rules allow public companies – which are not necessarily listed companies, although they can be – to raise money. Equity crowdfunding also allows many small investors to take an interest in an early stage investment. John Nolan-Neylan is the co-founder and managing director of Revvies Energy Strips. He decided to raise funds for his business, which has developed caffeine strips athletes use to enhance their performance, to cement relationships with customers. “It’s a way to get them involved in the brand and they get a piece of the pie and, […]


Cryptocurrency backed by gold being developed by Perth Mint to entice investors back to precious metals

Australia’s biggest gold refiner, the Perth Mint, is developing its own cryptocurrency backed by physical precious metals. The ambitious plan, which is subject to a confidentiality agreement, will make it easier for consumers to buy gold. The mint also plans to make use of blockchain technology, first used as the core component of the digital currency Bitcoin, where it works as a public ledger for transactions. In the 10 years since its inception, blockchain has been used to track transactions in industries from agriculture to land registration and the music recording industry. For the Perth Mint, the need to bring investors back to precious metals after a boom in alternative […]


Tatts CEO Robbie Cooke joins fintech firm

A small business banking and payment services company has snared the services of outgoing Tatts chief executive Robbie Cookie. Mr Cooke will leave Tatts in March after five years as CEO, following the lotteries and gambling firm’s recent $11.3 billion merger with Tabcorp. He will then take on the role of chief executive of Tyro, which began as a provider of EFTPOS services in 2005 and has recently begun offering lending and deposit products to more than 20,000 small and medium businesses. Mr Cooke, who was chief executive of hotel booking website prior to joining Tatts, said he will lead Tyro through the next stage of its growth. “I […]