YTML opens Seido Financial Advice App Store
YTML will officially open the Seido Financial Advice App Store at the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) Conference on the Gold Coast this week.
YTML CEO, Kevin Liao said Seido, which has already attracted various providers including SuiteBox, AstuteWheel, Omnium, ChantWest and customised offers, enables Apps which have been designed for each stage of the financial advice process to work together to create client-friendly, succinct and compliant advice documents in a fraction of the time it currently takes.
“In this sense, the Seido App Store moves beyond what we traditionally think of when we think of App stores,” Mr Liao said. “It is designed to not only act as a central location where advisers can access Apps they need, but also as a seamless connector of those tools and importantly, an efficient creator of advice documents. Seido is therefore not just an aggregator of advice technologies, but also of advice processes.”
The documents produced by Seido incorporate client engagement design principles and were developed in response to feedback from licensees and practices that advice documents are unwieldy, take too long to produce and are not easily understood by clients.
“With one sign-on, the Seido App Store allows licensees and advisers to select tools in the store that they believe represent best practice, and at the end of the process receive documents their clients are more likely to read and comprehend,” Mr Liao said. “We encourage both advisers and technology providers to meet with us at the Seido stand at the AFA Conference to see the App Store in action.”
YTML’s Terri Ho will also host a panel focus session at the AFA Conference on Transforming the SoA Experience, with special guests Dr Hillary Ray, Senior Regulatory Financial Services Lawyer and Partner with Cowell Clarke, on advice document compliance and Sue Viskovic, Managing Director of Elixir Consulting on what advisers and clients need from advice documents.