Winners of the British Australian Fintech Forum Start-Up Competition announced
The Australian British Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce the winners of seven supported places for the British Australian Fintech Forum to be held in London between the 19th and 21st of April 2017.
The winners are (in no particular order):
Chris King – Splend
Edward Jones – Neu Capital
Rob Lincolne – Paydock
Doug Morris – Sharesight
Charlotte Petris – Timelio
Jack Stevens – Edstart
Emma Weston – AgriDigital
Andrew Chick, Chairman of the BAFF Committee said:
“We received over 50 applications for our supported places. The Selection Committee was very impressed with the quality of submissions and deciding on the final seven was particularly difficult. We are delighted to have had such a strong response to this first event.”
David McCredie, CEO, Australian British Chamber of Commerce said:
“It’s been terrific to see such enthusiasm for this inaugural trade mission. Congratulations to the seven companies who have won sponsored places, we are delighted to have you on board. This mission will provide you with the opportunity to meet and learn about the British fintech community, and discover and create business opportunities.”
“And, to those who missed out and others in the Australian fintech community, it is not too late to join the fintech mission to London as a paying delegate, so do get in touch.”
Michael Ward, British Consul General and Director-General, UK Department for International Trade, Australia and New Zealand, said:
“I’d like to congratulate the seven companies who have been chosen to join the Australian British Chamber of Commerce’s fintech mission to London. Their participation in the mission will provide them with a real opportunity to explore growth opportunities in the UK. We look forward to supporting their visit programme whilst in the UK, and assisting with their future expansion.”
“There were a very large number of strong applications underscoring the depth of fintech talent here in the Australian market and the tremendous opportunity for ongoing UK-Australia collaboration in fintech.”
About the Fintech Mission to London
The British Australian Fintech Forum is Sponsored by EY, and supported by Ashurst, HSBC and the UK Department for International Trade.
The forum will host exceptional talent from the Australian Fintech sector including Greg Medcraft, Chariman of ASIC and other key industry players including the ASX’s Peter Hiom, H2 Ventures Toby Heap, Fintech Australia’s Danielle Szetho.
These will be joined by key figures in the UK including Chris Woolard, Director of Strategy and Competition at the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority, Imran Gulamhuseinwala OBE, Global head of Fintech for EY, Shaul David, Sector Specialist for the Department of International Trade, as well as key figures from the leading hubs including Ben Brabyn at Level 39 and Nektarios Liolios at Startupbootcamp.
Visits for the delegation will include the London Stock Exchange, Amazon’s London offices and Australia House where the delegation will be received for a reception by the High Commissioner, His Excellency The Hon Alexander Downer AC.