Trust and SMSF Vesting – Do it right or risk a resettlement
LightYear Docs has announced a comprehensive wind up/vesting package for discretionary trusts, SMSFs and unit trusts in conjunction with Abbott & Mourly Lawyers, urging accountants to do it right or risk resettlement.
“At some point in time, families will want to wind up, vest their SMSF, discretionary trust or unit trust,” said Ashleigh Jaremyn Director of LightYear Docs. “It is not a simple process as each deed has its own requirements – not only from a legal point of view but also administratively.”
Abbott & Mourly Lawyers’ Grant Abbott said, “If the vesting is not in alignment with what the deed requires, the trust or SMSF will not vest and the accountant or adviser might end up not with a wind up but a resettlement – which means capital gains tax and stamp duties. The Abbott & Mourly Lawyers and LightYear Docs package provides a deed of vesting that caters for the wind up of SMSFs, discretionary trusts and unit trusts. If the trust or SMSF adviser has any concerns, like all LightYear Docs users, there is technical and legal support to make sure it is done right.”
Jaremyn said, “We have the foundation for vesting using a deed but also detailed trustee resolutions providing a pathway of vesting for the accountant and adviser to make sure no stone is left unturned.”
The SMSF, discretionary trust and unit trust vesting packages, all separate is available, along with 200 other legal documents at www.lightyeardocs.com.au.
“This is a very exciting time and with our growth fostered by automation processing and moving into AI, to have a partner like Abbott & Mourly Lawyers who provide us with leading edge digital and legal products we can safely put our hands on our hearts and say LightYear Docs is lightyears ahead,” added Jaremyn, “and registering for an account is free.”