Successfully testing a new e-Invoicing approach with Small Business and Government

Successfully testing a new e-Invoicing approach with Small Business and Government

Link4 recently took part in an e-Invoicing pilot to test and demonstrate how small and medium businesses could instantly send their invoices to the NSW Government through e-Invoicing.

The pilot was conducted with the NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation which partnered with one of its suppliers, TeleResult, to test e-Invoicing as a solution for streamlining the receiving of invoices.

Brian Stevens, Practice Director, TeleResult enjoyed being able to instantly invoice the Department during the pilot and could see the value of implementing this invoicing system with other clients.

“This could take all of the questions regarding invoice delivery and invoice processing status away,” said Mr Stevens after the conclusion of the trial.

Tony Ritchie, Executive Director, ICT Procurement, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation said, “e-Invoicing makes receiving invoices simpler by eliminating the need for most of the manual data entry.”

e-Invoicing streamlined the invoicing process for the Department, assisting them to maintain their 30-day payment policy.

Link4 Australia was pleased with the results of the trial and being able to provide a representation of how e-Invoicing could work seamlessly between small businesses and other sectors.

“Enabling e-Invoicing to occur between SMEs and their customers truly is a game-changer and can really really work towards improving payment times in Australia,” said Robin Sands, CEO and Co-Founder of Link4 Australia.