Samsung Pay goes with Amex first
The race for digital wallets is heating up in Australia and it’s great to have giants like Apple and Samsung battling it out. This can only mean one thing – great results and products for consumers!
Samsung has confirmed it will join the re-boot of the digital wallet race in Australia in 2016, becoming the fourth country to get Samsung Pay after South Korea, the US and China.Like Apple Pay, Samsung will be going with American Express first and add other cards later.
American Express payments have been available on Apple Pay since November. Bank issued Visa and MasterCard will initially only work on Android Pay, which is understood to be launching here in April.
The tech giant announced the next roll out of Samsung Pay at Mobile World Congress being held in Barcelona at the moment.
Samsung Electronics Australia’s vice president mobile division Prasad Gokhale said it is working with financial industry partners to launch Samsung Pay. There is no exact date as yet.
Source: Samsung Pay goes with Amex first