Personalising Banking CX: the ‘next normal’
The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly continue to have further effects as the situation evolves. In this scenario, leading banking executives need to prepare for the ‘next normal’, whatever that proves to be.
In its report on the impact of the pandemic on banking, PWC said that while it might be too early to imagine a post COVID-19 world, institutions need to start “taking the long view”.
Finding the ‘segment of one’
Offering personalised experiences tailored to personas is definitely the ‘next normal’. As a recent survey by Accenture revealed, there are considerable variations in terms of the types of experiences valued by different customer segments.
Serving the unique needs of every customer, with hyper relevance and convenience might seem daunting. But when providers find the patterns among their consumers they can navigate towards offering trustworthy, omnichannel and personalised services.
Read more at: https://crealogix.com/en/blog/personalising-banking-cx-next-normal