Online home loan lender Omni-Financial invited to FinTech Taipei 2019
Omni Financial is one of only five Australian Fintechs to receive support from Austrade to participate in FinTech Taipei 2019 and the preceding Austrade FinTech and Open Banking Roundtable.
Omni-Financial are an Australian Credit License holder launching a home loan origination platform later this year, providing ‘straight forward finance’ to the Australian market.
FinTech Taipei, to be held on 29-30 November, focuses on AI in the finance industry, internet only banks, and new applications in financial services, and is expected to attract more than 30,000 delegates from around the world.
Omni Financial’s CEO Peter Jones said that attending this event will be a great opportunity to showcase Omni’s capabilities, as well as take part in the open banking round table with Austrade.
“The competitive landscape is changing all the time and consumers still expect a great experience, so it will be interesting to see where the future of fintech is heading in that region and the impact it will have on consumers lives,” said Peter.
“At Omni, we believe customers want to get finance for home loans in a simple and straight forward way, and we’re committed to helping them do that.
“For us to succeed, we need to keep on top of what others are developing in the market, and also look for opportunities to work together with other fintechs to deliver better outcomes for customers.
“We’re excited to be one of only five Fintechs to receive support from Austrade to attend the event, as this is strong recognition of the work Omni has done so far.
“It is also timely, as we’ll be further inspired and energised to go live to customers with our first phase MVP when we return,” said Peter.
Omni is partnering with a regional Bank to launch a family and friends offer later this year. For more information visit www.omnifinancial.com.au/launchoffer
For conference information visit https://www.fintechtaipei.tw/en/index.asp