Moneytech to provide free coding for payments workshop

Moneytech to provide free coding for payments workshop

Building tailored payments workflows is often difficult. But as people increasingly are expecting seamless movement of funds as part of their app/product/service experience, coding for payments is becoming more important. Simply adding a credit-card gateway might not be enough. This workshop is about exactly that: how do we build tailored API-driven payments workflows. From “receive” through “manage” to “pay”.

The Moneytech payments workshop will cover the following:

  • Non-technical overview of payment landscape and what NPP and Open Banking means
  • High-level compliance considerations
  • The “building blocks” of Australian payments – direct entry, BPAY, credit cards, NPP, virtual accounts, tokens etc – and things to think about for each of them
  • Practical code application of the above building blocks
  • Real-life case studies

Date: Thursday, 9 May 2019

Time: 8.30am-10.30am

Location: Stone & Chalk, Mezzanine Floor, 710 Collins Street, Docklands, VIC 3008

Register here for the FREE event, brought to you by Moneytech.