Loan Market and NextGen.Net deepen partnership
The aggregation group has relaunched its MyCRM solution with a deeper integration with ApplyOnline to reduce pain points in the lodgement process.
Loan Market Group has said it has been working closely with NextGen.Net to improve the way it maps expenses as part of its relaunched MyCRM solution.
As the broking industry prepares for the implementation of the best interests duty (BID), the aggregator has updated its MyCRM platform with a deeper integration with NextGen.Net’s ApplyOnline lodgement and processing platform.
Loan Market’s chief operating officer for the MyCRM division, Joanne Church, noted that there had been a “keen spotlight on analysing customers’ expenses and ensuring they don’t go into hardship, and it’s been a really complex process because every lender wants it slightly differently and customers don’t always understand what you’re asking for”.
As such, following broker feedback and in preparation of the new regulatory environment, the group “wanted end-customers to have the ability to declare expenses, ideally using tools upfront via our customer portal, and then have this flow-on through to the lender without too many touch points”.
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Source: Loan Market and NextGen.Net deepen partnership – The Adviser