Ignition Wealth superannuation tools drive superfund engagement
Ignition Wealth is Australia’s leading provider of superannuation tools and calculators. Since 2010 our tools and calculators have been used by superannuation funds to drive member engagement and provide excellence in client experience.
“With 750,000 members served over the past six years we know that user friendly tools and calculators hold the key to powerful member engagement.
Our technology allows superfund clients and prospective clients to do their financial homework while becoming comfortable with the superfund. This leads to a solid growth in the superfund’s business.”
Mark Fordree, CEO, Ignition Wealth.
The Ignition Wealth wealth management solutions are hosted on the superfund’s own website or mobile app. Recognising the consumer move to access sites via their smart telephones, our technology is always developed to be mobilefirst and to deliver an excellent user experience. All of our solutions are ASIC compliant and integrate seamlessly with the superfund’s existing financial software platforms. Our technology is embeddable, highly configurable and delivers strong back office integration.
Ignition Wealth provides out of the box solutions, which are configured to meet the needs and match the branding of individual superfunds. Using a clear workflow for configuration the out of the box technology is available immediately via cloudbased solutions minimising the time to market deployment. Ignition Wealth also provides bespoke solutions completely customised to the superfund’s unique offering.
The Ignition Wealth technology includes financial tools, calculators and illustrators for savings and investment, superannuation and retirement, insurance and mortgage.
We also develop and deliver knowledge to manage the delivery of market data, news articles, financial guides, frequently asked questions and analytics.
“We are highly experienced in the development and delivery of superannuation tools and calculators. We have developed excellence in user experience, as well as growing to know which tools and calculators are most popular with clients and which generate the greatest growth in business.”
Mark Fordree, CEO, Ignition Wealth.
Digital financial advice is the latest development in financial technology. Ignition Wealth is now also one of the leading providers of digital financial advice for investment, superannuation, SMSFs and retirement planning, setting the benchmark for excellence in the Australian market.
Ignition Wealth has been working with Industry Fund Services (IFS) to power major industry superfund retirement tools including CareSuper, VisionSuper, HESTA, Australian Government Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation and Industry Fund Services. Ignition Wealth technology also powers the AUSFund unclaimed superfund tools and calculators.
The financial cloud suite of Ignition Wealth superannuation tools is constantly growing and developing. Agile upgrades and new iterations are implemented regularly at a much more rapid rate than traditionally cumbersome inhouse technology development which is often already obsolete by release.
Ignition Wealth currently offers a wide variety of tools and calculators for superannuation and retirement, investment choice, saving calculators and budgeting.
The superannuation tools include Super Projection, Super Scorecard, Super What If, Retirement Strategies, Contributing to Super Intrafund Advice SOAs, Transition to Retirement and Debt Vs Super.
Ignition Wealth also offers a number of tools for secure direct client engagement including messaging, online adviser tools including member CRM, secure chat, SOA review and video meetings.