The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Treasurer, confirmed as VIP Guest at the 3rd Annual FinTech Awards 2018
The 3rd Annual Australian FinTech Awards 2018 are delighted to welcome The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Treasurer, as the VIP Guest Speaker for the event.
“We are celebrating the entrepreneurs creating and growing new businesses, creating jobs and taking their businesses to the world,” said Frost.
“The FinTech Awards cover the whole eco-system, from Lenders to InsureTech, and recognize businesses as well as individuals, with Awards such as CIO/CTO Of The Year, Female FinTech Leader of The Year, and FinTech Leader of The Year,” said Frost.
There are 12 award categories = http://fintechawards.net/
Date: 1st August 2018
Venue: The Ashurst Ballroom, Level 9, 5 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
Contact: Glen Frost, Founder, FinTech Awards.
Email: [email protected]