Fintech platform enables consumers to broker loans

A new fintech platform has launched which enables consumers to broker their own home loan online.

The site, uno, claims it puts the consumer in the driver’s seat, giving them access to the tools and information that traditional brokers use to find a home loan, across a wide panel of lenders.

Uno also has its own home loan experts that provide advice to provide a “human element”, however, creator and CEO of uno, Vincent Turner, said they do not personally receive sales commissions.

“What uno provides, for the first time, is a chance for the consumer to be part of the process and see all of their personalised options,” Turner told Australian Broker.

“The platform allows you to save all of your searches as well as reach out to an uno home loan expert via chat, email or phone whenever you need to. That expert can join you wherever you are at in the process and help you through to completion, so it is not that there is no human element at all, just that the consumer can decide when he or she gets it as opposed to being completely reliant upon it.”

Turner said a need for transparency in the sector drove the creation of uno.

Source: Fintech platform enables consumers to broker loans