eFinancialCareers Global Fintech Fair
The fintech job market is expanding globally, driven by both startups and larger players operating across a wide range of market segments. It’s crucial that fintech firms hire people with the right skills and mindsets to grow.
If you are a business professional or technologist seeking a career move in fintech sector, be sure to join the upcoming free-to-attend eFinancialCareers Global Fintech Fair virtual career event on June 21, 2023. It will be taking place online across key regions: the UK, EMEA, the US, Singapore and Hong Kong.
What to expect:
- Hear panel sessions on the skills and mindsets that fintech firms want
- Meet with direct employers within fintech, who would like to speak to professionals about their experience, skillsets and career ambitions
- Visit the exhibitor job boards and chat with recruiters about the exciting fintech opportunities
- Get hired – A significant majority of job seekers that attended our career events are taken further in the recruitment process