e-Invoicing can benefit all businesses and this is how
For the first time, the benefits of e-Invoicing have now been made available to small and medium businesses (SMEs) even if they don’t use cloud accounting systems.
Link4 InvoiceExpress allows a business to send their invoice instantly and get paid faster, without using a cloud accounting system.
Managing everything as a small to medium size business can be quite difficult, especially when balancing cash flow and outstanding invoices.
Invoices are important, but painful. Overdue payments, resending an invoice due to an error or it being sent to the wrong place, are all common issues. Link4 InvoiceExpress can help these SMEs increase security, create efficiency and improve their cash flow.
Sam Hassan, CTO and Co-Founder of Link4, stated, “We came across a lot of SMEs still using pen & paper or word & excel to create invoices. This is affecting their cashflow, so we created Link4 InvoiceExpress to allow them to benefit from e-Invoicing.”
By Signing up and using this portal, businesses have their financial processes enhanced as it helps organise and keep invoices in one system that’s flexible and easy to use. It will allow businesses who are not using a cloud accounting system to connect with ones that are, while also sending PDF files to those who aren’t.
Link4 is an accredited PEPPOL access point provider. InvoiceExpress connects businesses without a cloud system under PEPPOL to connect with ones that are. This is Link4’s effort to continue supporting small business as they grow and recover from COVID-19 by getting everyone on board with E-Invoicing.
E-invoicing is growing and its benefits are being recognised as more than one billion invoices are transacted each year in Australia alone. The global e-invoicing market is expected to grow to >$17.4b by 2024 and with government support, especially from Scott Morrison’s plan for businesses to go digital, it will not be long for businesses to be utilising e-invoicing in their transaction processes.
“The Government announced that they will pay small businesses in 5 days if they are sending an e-invoice. We didn’t want these businesses to miss an opportunity to increase their cash flow. Any small business can use Link4 InvoiceExpress to create and send e-invoices, and get paid faster,” stated Sam Hassan.
See the website for more details – www.link4.co/au/invoiceexpress