Diversiview by LENSELL now includes US listed stocks
Diversiview by LENSELL, the #1 Portfolio Analysis and Optimisation Software that allows Australian investors to plan, analyse and optimise mixed portfolios of listed securities and unlisted products, now includes US stocks listed on NASDAQ and NYSE.
Why does Diversiview include NASDAQ and NYSE Stocks?
Many Australian investors have diversified, or plan to diversify their investment portfolios into overseas markets, and US is by far the most popular overseas market when it comes to portfolio diversification.
Following users’ requests, US listed securities have been added to Diversiview, so investors are now able to identify investment opportunities, construct a diversified portfolio and boost their portfolio’s performance by optimising the asset allocation to include US stocks listed on NASDAQ and NYSE.
This feature is unique on the Australian market – there are many trading applications allowing investors to buy and sell US listed securities, but only Diversiview allows them to analyse the overall portfolio’s performance and optimise the asset allocation for mixed portfolios.
Currently the top 500 US listed stocks by market capitalisation are available in Diversiview, with more US listed stocks being added every day.
Analysing and optimising a portfolio of only US stocks or analysing and optimising a mixed portfolio of ASX-listed, US-listed and other unlisted products is very easy: investors simply enter the code or name of the security or upload them from CSV.
For Sharesight investors, the integration between Diversiview and Sharesight allows them to import and analyse their mixed portfolios in seconds.
LENSELL continues to listen to its users’ requests and adds impressive and unique features to Diversiview.
If you have any questions about this feature, please contact the team at: [email protected] or [email protected].