Accepting payments, managing your finances, and paying recipients should be simple. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Finding integrated financial solutions to help your business thrive often requires you to weave together multiple products from different providers. While a small group of large enterprises enjoy the privilege of financial solutions tailored for their specific needs, the vast majority of Australian businesses are underserved due to a lack of innovation, disparate providers, opaque pricing, and restrictive contracts.

Zeller believes in a level playing field where all businesses benefit from access to smarter payments technology and integrated financial services. That’s why their team is reimagining business banking through new tools which enable business owners to accept payments, manage their finances, and pay recipients fast. Zeller’s fully integrated, out-of-the-box solution enables businesses to accept card payments quickly with Zeller Terminal, securely store funds and manage finances with the free Zeller Transaction Account, and spend funds instantly with Zeller Mastercard.

Zeller was co-founded in 2020 by Ben Pfisterer and Dominic Yap in 2020, and is backed by some of the world’s leading VCs including Square Peg, Apex Capital Partners, Addition, and Spark Capital.