The ‘neo-banks’ that Australians are rushing to join
Two new neo-banks promising to shake up the way we manage our finances have burst into Australia’s otherwise stagnant banking market.
Turning crypto to gold: CoinJar invests in the future of digital currency
Leading digital currency company CoinJar has its eye on the future of crypto with the launch of a new mobile platform designed for the next evolution of the market.
CUA partners with Sandstone Technology to transform home lending
Australia’s largest credit union, CUA, will partner with Sandstone Technology to deliver a complete end-to-end mortgage processing solution.
How peer-to-peer lending fits into an investment portfolio
Many investors are on the hunt for investments that can provide stable, cash returns to their portfolio. That’s where peer-to-peer lending comes in.
Do you know how your crypto token is regulated?
The rise of cryptocurrency has created new challenges for everyone from crypto token designers through to brokers and custodial service providers.
Australia report shows how banks gouge, and Fintechs may provide a better service, when it comes to International Money Transfers
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) has published an interesting report on international money transfers.
Lending portal welcomes small business lender
A business lender and an online lending portal have joined forces to bring a wider array of small business loan alternatives to both brokers and borrowers.
Aus fintech sees strong H1 2019, despite global decline
Australia’s fintech start-ups raised US$401 million in H1 2019, compared US$122 in H1 2018, an increase of 229%, according to Accenture research.