Buy Now Pay Later legislation passes Parliament, credit bodies say it is ‘a good outcome for both consumers and industry’
Arca has shown its support for the Federal Government’s legislation to regulate the buy now, pay later (BNPL) industry.
How the metaverse will reshape money, payments and identity
The real world where payments take place is being augmented by a metaverse which promises to radically reshape the world of payments again.
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 56: Julian Fayad, Founder & CEO,
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 56: Glen Frost interviews Julian Fayad, Founder and CEO of
Monoova announce new Board Appointments: Robert Bell as Chair and Simon Moore as Director
Monoova have today announced the appointment of Robert Bell as Chair of the Board and Simon Moore as Director.
Christian Westerlind Wigstrom re-elected as Director & Treasurer at Fintech Australia
Monoova have announced that Christian Westerlind Wigstrom, CEO of Monoova, has been re-elected as a Director and Treasurer at Fintech Australia.
SEC approves FICC’s rule filings
DTCC have stated that they are pleased that the SEC took action to approve FICC’s rule filings related to access models and segregated accounts & margin.
Don’t let your company make headlines for all the wrong reasons
New APRA rules – stricter cyber security risk management – mean you, your team, and your company will be under serious scrutiny.
SuperConcepts partners with Centrepoint Alliance
Enterprise SMSF solutions provider, SuperConcepts, have announced a new service partnership with Centrepoint Alliance.