

Australian FinTech company profile #1 – Investfit

For exclusive members of Australian FinTech we’re going to do a Company Profile on each company and post it on our website, share it to our 10,000+ global social media followers and have it appear in our weekly newsletter which goes out to over 3,000 subscribers. Here is our very first profile for Investfit: 1. Company Name: Investfit 2. Website: 3. Key Staff & Titles: James Claridge, CEO, Co-founder                                       Ed de Salis, Sales Director, Co-founder                                       Gavin Daw, Technology Director,  Co-founder                                       Antony Pritchett, CTO 4. Location(s): Sydney           5. In one sentence, what does your fintech do?: Technology that helps financial advisors provide better, lower cost, lower risk […]


Square partners with Australia’s community banks to help regional SMBs go digital

Today, global payments provider Square, Inc. (NYSE: SQ) announced it is teaming up with  Unity Bank, Southern Cross Credit Union and the WAW Credit Union in a string of regional partnerships that will give more small businesses outside of Australia’s capital cities greater access to innovative payments technology. Small businesses across regional New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland will be able to benefit from the new partnerships and will see affiliated branches provide access to the iconic Square card reader for contactless and chip for just $59. Customers will also receive fee-free card processing for their first $1,000 worth of sales to help them get started.   Square’s Country Manager […]


What are the potential uses for emerging blockchain technologies?

When you say the word “blockchain” most people jump instantly to cryptocurrencies, but this is just one of the many uses for the new technology. Blockchain isn’t just a form of online currency, but in fact is a security and information storage system with a number of potential applications that are encouraged by incubator companies such as Block8. What is blockchain? A blockchain is a list of linked records (like blocks in a chain) that are linked through cryptography. A block cannot be modified, however new blocks can be added to the chain with new information. The chain thus contains a record of all modifications that have been made to […]


TabSquare extends Zingrill’s custom POS and lifts average check value by 12%

Today’s consumers are extremely hard to please. In our instant, technology-driven world, we have high expectations that our demands will be met with a minimum of delay. In fact, a retail survey has reported that if you keep customers waiting more than 10 minutes, 48% of them will assume your business is poorly run and the other 52% will vote with their feet and take their business elsewhere. The food and beverage industry, in particular, is a victim of our impatience. How often have you walked into a quick service restaurant (QSR) and turned around and headed right back out when you’ve seen a long queue? Encouragingly though, 87% of […]


Sending money overseas with Bitcoin

Bitcoin has a lot of uses in real life. It makes payments much easier by allowing people to pay from anywhere in the world. In that sense, it also helps the e-commerce industry. It allows business owners to expand their market reach and add another mode of payment. Another real-life use is Bitcoin’s ability to preserve wealth. Countries with struggling economies can use bitcoin to preserve the value of their native currencies. With all those real-life uses, we have yet to mention the one that stands out the most: remittances. According to a report on Clovr, cryptocurrencies take 15.8% of the total money being sent across the world in 2018. […]


Blockchain boost as HSBC links Australia and China

Blockchain has long been cited as one of the upcoming technologies to solve many of the world’s current financial problems when it comes to cross-border trade, and it appears to have taken another step forward this week as HSBC confirms it has been able to link a transaction between Australia and China. The development is based on the use of a Letter of Credit (LC) format, which is typically a paper-based format that makes up a significant proportion of trading in China and being able to digitize this is expected to create plenty of savings in terms of time and invested resources. HSBC set up the link between two of […]


DomaCom secures $50 million property funding facility with La Trobe Financial

ASX-listed DomaCom Limited (ASX:DCL) has today announced that it has partnered with La Trobe Financial to provide property investors using DomaCom’s fractional property investment fund with a credit facility. An initial A$50 million facility has been provided by La Trobe Financial that will allow investors to acquire approximately A$100 million of leveraged property through the DomaCom Fund. The facility will provide up to 60% leverage for investors and Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) at a competitive 5.99% pa. Enabling the use of lending when purchasing investment properties is a key addition to the DomaCom product offering, which places the Company in a strong position to almost triple its Funds Under Management […]


Next bitcoin halving is attractive for investors, says top asset manager

Now is the right time for investors to create their core strategic positions in bitcoin, says a top asset management firm. New York-based Grayscale Investments, backed by Barry Silbert’s Digital Currency Group, published an evaluative report detailing the historical correlation between bitcoin halving events and its price. The firm used those metrics to predict how the bitcoin price would react to the next halving event, which is going to take place on May 24 next year. In retrospective, miners contribute computational power to confirm blocks on the Bitcoin network and add them to its public blockchain. The system automatically rewards them with newly issued bitcoin tokens. This reward, according to […]