Global crypto custody service launched
Shillings is the newest global player to offer crypto custody services to sophisticated clients, from institutions to high-net-worth individuals.
DFS Portfolio Solutions partnership with DomaCom a success
DomaCom is celebrating a 3-year partnership with DFS Portfolio Solutions having added some $30 million to DomaCom’s FUM.
The FinTech Report Podcast – Episode 14: Interview with Kimberley Gaskin, Six Black Pens
Six Black Pens is an independent, strategy-led creative communications agency that’s all about smart, effective work.
Spice, cafés, cuts, holidays & cash recover, as fun-loving multicutural Aussies spend up at small business
Fun-loving, multicultural Australia is beginning to return to small business segments as lockdowns ease according to eftpos’ real time shopping data.
LegalVision eSigns with Annature
LegalVision has signed with Annature to provide an eSigning solution for its lawyers and business clients.
Credit Clear unleashes innovative data-driven repayment solution powered by Sisense
Credit Clear is leveraging Sisense, the AI-driven platform for infusing analytics, to harness the power of data to revolutionise its offering.
APIs drive fast, front-end upgrades that minimise risk and power growth
Sandstone Technology CEO Michael Phillipou helps explain how APIs make exciting fintech integrations possible with many core banking systems.
BGL recognised as Most Innovative Fintech Company at International Investor Business Awards 2021
BGL has been recognised as Australia’s Most Innovative Fintech Company as part of the International Investor Business Awards 2021.