Australian FinTech company profile #91 – Marketech
1. Company Name:
2. Website:
3. Key Staff & Titles:
Travis Clark – MD
Jared Lawrence, Lev Khromov – Lead Developers
4. Location(s):
Perth, WA
5. In one sentence, what does your fintech do?:
Marketech build systems to facilitate the mobile scanning, communication of market data and trading of live markets, and integrate third party services to create fully functioning financial platforms.
6. How / why did you start your fintech company?:
Marketech was originally formed in the year 2000 to create a trading platform for the CFD market (and were among the very first to offer $0 commission CFD’s in Australia) and have evolved with the technology landscape from there.
7. What is the best thing your company has achieved or learnt along the way (this can include awards, capital raising etc)?:
Learnt – there are still a lot of outwardly appearing ‘high tech’ industries that have hamster wheels operating behind the scenes.
8. What’s some advice you’d give to an aspiring start-up?:
Don’t bother building a mobile share trading platform; but if you do come and see us first. We might be able to do something..?
9. What’s next for your company? And are you looking to expand overseas or stay focussed on Australia?:
We’ve barely scratched the surface of the functionality of the platform. There is so much data in any financial market that we will work on the best delivery here before spreading any wings. Also, but not immediately, AI. The first to nail AI in the financial markets will out-Bezos Bezos.
10. What other fintechs or companies do you admire?:
We’re excited by the work being done by ClearPay to deliver a multicurrency, real-time, same day DvP alternative to the Chess T+2 settlement. Anything that reduces the costs of being any sort of participant and allows simplified global investment into the Australian share markets gets our vote!
11. What’s the most interesting or funniest moment that’s happened in your company’s lifetime?
There’s not much room for laughter when planning the overthrow and domination of the Australian online share trading market, but one of the guys had a burrito that sort of looked like the guy from Silicon Valley a few months ago.