86 400 welcomed onto another aggregator’s panel

86 400 welcomed onto another aggregator’s panel

Neobank 86 400 has made its digital home loan offering available to more brokers, having just finalised its sixth broker partnership since launching its home loan product in November of last year.

The group has been welcomed onto the lender panel of Australia’s first broker-owned aggregator, Purple Circle Financial Services.

Purple Circle chief operating officer Frank Paratore welcomed what the partnership means for the group’s brokers, stressing that “lending isn’t a one-size-fits-all-solution”.

“As an aggregator, it is essential we partner with innovative lenders who offer a wide range of products and services to suit the ever-changing lending landscape,” he said.

“Clients have different requirements depending on their circumstances, and we are providing our members with a diverse panel of lenders to assist with attending to those client’s different requirements…further [ensuring] our broker members are both equipped for diversity and engaged for market change.

“This innovative lender also enables our broker members to further bolster their relationship with not only their clients but also broader referral partnership groups.”

Source: 86 400 welcomed onto another aggregator’s panel