2018 Budgeting & Savings Apps worth checking out
Looking to take control of your finances, but don’t know where to start? Your smartphone could possibly help you, thanks to these new budgeting and savings apps that have grabbed the public’s attention.
According to a recent study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australia’s average household savings ratio (the ratio of income saved to household net disposable income) is currently at a record low of 4%. Furthermore, a study by UBank found that in 2017, two million Australians had less than $1,000 set aside in their savings accounts.
There’s no doubt that saving money, tracking expenses and sticking to an allocated budget can be tough, not to mention that it actually takes time to build towards your goals. Interestingly, as you can say for just about anything nowadays, there’s an app for that, and budgeting is certainly no exception.
To read more about these Apps including Raiz, Free2Spend, Pocketbook, MoneyBrilliant, TrackMySPEND, Pelikin, Carrott & Splitwise, please click on the link below…
Source: 2018 Budgeting & Savings Apps Worth Checking Out | Canstar