The innovative technology helping equity funds collaborate seamlessly from home
Working remotely is becoming the new norm for many fund managers and analysts however sharing the intellectual property your team possesses in realtime to capitalise on the fast moving investment landscape can mean all the difference in maintaining a competitive edge.
“The ability to access up-to-date modelling, company and estimate information in one place and on any device immediately is something we know is important to equity teams,” Calibre’s Managing Director David Snowsill says. “We developed our Research Management System specifically to assist in the unique challenges and evolving needs facing active equity analysts, portfolio managers and heads of research. From creating a structure that ensures investment processes are adhered to, to templates that ensure the replication of that process, CalibreRMS is built to help teams increase productivity and efficiency.”
What fund managers and their teams are finding most useful at this time with CalibreRMS is that all team members to be able to see their research as well as external estimates, in one central place and then model from home so that everyone can see the impact of the new information on company valuations.
Integrating with many of the top email and notification platforms, such as Slack and Microsoft Teams, processes can even be automated to send changes of information in report form to the whole team, or just those who need to know.
“The transition to remote working has been simplified because we use CalibreRMS,” Reece Birtles, Chief Investment Officer at Martin Currie Australia reveals. “This cutting edge technology means I can see in real time what everyone is working on, for example interactions the team is having with investee companies, and this means as portfolio managers we can react quickly to changes in the market, which is paramount.”