The 5th Annual FinTech Awards 2020 – LIVE STREAM for THIS EVENING
Tonight is the night! The 5th Annual Australian FinTech Awards 2020 will be held in Sydney tonight, Thursday 19th November, with Senator Andrew Bragg (pictured) as the VIP Guest and Keynote Speaker.
Everyone in the fintech sector is looking for some good news – and here it is – the FinTech Awards are back, and ready to recognise the great entrepreneurial spirit of Australian fintech businesses!
This year’s event will be a hybrid event – a combination of a limited number of people in the room, with everyone able to watch the event online.
For those that are unable to attend this fantastic event, you can live stream it from 7pm AEST and people are welcome to share a glass at home or in the office; there is no charge to watch the live stream:
Live stream here: https://youtu.be/7mLIhV35Pmw
Back up (just in case): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3sGwT5tTIL3kMUBNObzJhw/live
Links also on the website: www.fintechawards.net
Have a safe and enjoyable evening and may the best FinTechs win!