SME loan marketplace partners with new financier
Small-business loan marketplace ebroker has announced that it has secured a new partnership with a non-bank lender in response to rising demand for asset finance.
Ebroker, a marketplace that connects small businesses with more than 70 non-bank lenders, has revealed that it has added Multipli to its lender panel.
Heath Fitzpatrick, COO of ebroker, said one of the company’s short-term goals was to expand its asset finance offering, after observing a 45 per cent increase in asset finance enquiries, valued at $160 million, in the 2019 financial year.
“This growth has continued in financial year 2020, so it’s clearly a priority for us,” Mr Fitzpatrick said.
“Multipli provides several fantastic commercial finance options, particularly in the technology and equipment area.”
Multipli director John Delaney said ebroker’s offer is of “great value” to the non-bank lender, explaining that “it’s always a challenge to maintain a steady flow of qualified, new business leads for asset finance”.
“The ebroker platform also gives SMEs access to inexpensive funding options from non-bank lenders that they possibly would not have otherwise known about,” Mr Delaney said.
“We particularly like the way we can customise the equipment types and credit parameters in the ebroker partner portal as this means we only receive leads from businesses that match our preferences.”
Since launching in July 2015, ebroker claims to have made 26,400 matches.
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Source: SME loan marketplace partners with new financier – Mortgage Business