The smart money is on your phone to replace Go Card in Brisbane soon
For some commuters, the time has come for the Go Card to go.
Public testing for Queenslanders to ride trains, buses and ferries without having to touch on and off with a Go Card will begin in the second half of 2019, Queensland’s Transport Minister confirmed.
Instead, “smart ticketing” would see passengers use their credit card, mobile phone or smartwatch to catch public transport.
Tests would begin in the second half of 2019, after the Queensland government allocated $371 million in last year’s budget for smart ticketing.
From that figure, $90 million was allocated to introduce the technology in 2018-19, and $2 million set aside for a trial and pilot program.
About 1.3 billion trips have been made with Go Cards since their introduction in February 2008.
There are now about 200 million Go Card trips each year on buses, trains and ferries.Cubic, the company that developed the Go Card in Queensland, on Wednesday confirmed it was introducing “contactless” transit cards in Chicago and New York, before turning its attention to Queensland.
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Source: The smart money is on your phone to replace Go Card in Brisbane soon