Optimo upgrades its modelling platform with full SMSF capability
Financial Advisers using Optimo’s modelling platform Pathfinder can now use the full version of the SMSF’s modelling capacity when developing financial strategies.
Optimo Financial has upgraded its strategy development platform to allow financial advisers to use SMSF’s to create even more comprehensive financial strategies in real-time. The previous version did have an SMSF-Beta option which had restrictions on what could be modelled. Specifically, it could only model an SMSF with a single member when including property investments. It could also model multi-member SMSFs provided there were no properties involved, although some approximations were necessary if the members had a mixture of funds in the accumulation and pension phases.
The new version overcomes all these limitations. Pathfinder can now model an SMSF with multiple members, property investments and a mixture of funds in the accumulation/pension phases. It better handles the allocation of investment returns and tax to the various member/phase combinations. It also includes a better methodology for the planner to be able to control the mix of investments in the SMSF either on a dollar or percentage basis.
“Optimo’s Pathfinder makes it easier for advisers to help their clients to achieve their retirement goals, now including more SMSF modelling options,” Optimo’s CEO Hugh Bannister said. “The modelling incorporates the clients risk profile and financial situation and develops holistic, optimised projections for up to 20 years, or longer on request.”
“In short, it aims to get the best financial results in minutes. The optimisation includes all superannuation laws, tax laws, the age pension, family tax benefits and all other relevant rules.”
Financial Strategies can be created in less than 30 minutes and saves the financial adviser time and money. Optimo Financial aims to improve the quality of advice and to reduce the time financial planners spend on the financial advice process.
Advisers can sign up for a free trial which includes the SMSF modelling options at www.optimofinancial.com.au