Ignition Wealth announces new XPLAN consultancy division assisting advisers to prepare for robo-scale

Ignition Wealth announces new XPLAN consultancy division assisting advisers to prepare for robo-scale

Ignition Wealth CEO Mark Fordree today announced a new division of Ignition Wealth which will offer full XPLAN support and consulting to help advisers get the most out their XPLAN solutions and prepare to add ‘robo’ services to their businesses.


Ignition Wealth will deepen its existing digital advice integration with XPLAN, creating a seamless pathway between automating ‘robo-advice’ and full service advice.


XPLAN is the leading financial planning solution in the market and we are delighted to now offer our clients a range of XPLAN services to help them better leverage technology in their businesses. We believe the true scale of digital advice is best delivered by integrating with the tools with which advisers are already comfortable.

Mark Fordree, CEO, Ignition Wealth.


Ignition Wealth has partnered with XPLAN customisation specialists PlanFocus to form the new division which will be headed by Rob Corben, Director of PlanFocus. Rob Corben joins Ignition Wealth as Head of Advice.


The Ignition Wealth XPLAN support and consultancy service will help advice practices and financial services providers to get robo-ready without need to change the way they do business today.

Rob Corben, Head of Advice, Ignition Wealth.


Rob Corben has over two decades of specialist advice technology development and integration experience bringing an innate ability to expertly assess business’ needs and competently advise upon and deliver the most effective technology strategies.


Ignition Wealths XPLAN support and consultancy will fast track the digital advice conversation for Australian practices. We believe 2017 will be the year that robo-assisted advice makes its mark..

Mark Fordree, CEO, Ignition Wealth.