Hut34 goes live with world’s first Google-powered Ethereum wallet and enhanced wallet-as-a-service offering
The Hut34 team has gone live with the world’s first Google powered cryptocurrency wallet. With a single click, users can securely, quickly and easily access their Ethereum and cryptocurrency tokens via their own Google credentials. The Hut34 Wallet beta launched late 2018 and since then a raft of exciting new features and functionality have been added to ease the public adoption of emergent token economies.
“We are excited about the future applications of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, but as it stands access to and using the technology is too hard and time consuming. Only the highly motivated are willing to cross the pain threshold to enter the space,” says Tim McNamara, Founder, Hut34. “This discourages consumers and corporates and is a real barrier to broader crypto adoption. We want to help solve this problem and we believe the Hut34 wallet is a critical contribution to crypto infrastructure to bridge this gap.”
Hut34 have developed a better way to provide users with secure wallets that are both user friendly and accessible across any platform, meeting enterprise grade requirements. In fact, they are confident that a better wallet experience will spur the next step towards mainstream adoption in the crypto space.
“For consumers we’ve built a solution that removes many of the friction points people hit. We’ve made sign-in super easy – leveraging the power of the Google and OAuth; removing the need to understand the intricacies of private key management to get up and running,” continues McNamara. “They can then securely store their Ethereum and crypto tokens and take advantage of the user friendly and easy to use functionality.
What’s really important is that we have no access at all to the users funds at any time. The most important question to ask is ‘who has access to the wallet’s private keys?’ – the answer should never be ‘the wallet provider’. Leveraging Google’s identity and security models means users can enter the crypto space seamlessly, maintain access to their addresses without having to store complex details, and not worry about anyone within our, or any other organisation getting access to their information.”
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